BP and general accounts
The length of the BP and general accounts will now be set to 15 characters.
This new length will have to be anticipated by editing these fields over a 2.8 cm length (in Arial 9 font).
Report margins
File/Page setup: 4 1-cm margins.
Warning :
For reports to be printed on Letter US paper (216 mmm x 279 mmm), the page width must be a maximum of:
- 18.8 cm in portrait mode
- 25.7 cm in landscape mode
Report header (portrait mode)
Sage logo Sage (Big format)
- Insert the ATEMPLATE_LOGO2.rpt report (available as an example in the application root folder) as a sub-report.
- In the sub-report setup window, in the Borders tab, choose "none" in the 4 border line styles.
- Change the links of the sub-report, select (?X3DOS) in "available fields" and set it to "fields to link", select (?X3DOS) in "field links".
- Distances: 0.8 cm from the page left border and 2.1 cm du from the report header top.
- Height: 1.5 cm
- Width: 3.7 cm
Vertical dark green band
- Distances: 0.8 cm from the page left border and 4.2 cm du from the report header top.
- Height: 18.8 cm
- Width: 3.6 cm
Report title (?X3TIT)
- Font: Arial 20 Black Bold
- Alignment: right
- Distances: 6.2 cm from the page left border and 4.2 cm du from the report header top.
- Height: 0.8 cm.
- Width: 12.6 cm
Print date
- Font: Arial 10 Black
- Customized format: 01/03/1999
- Alignment: right
- Distances: 14.1 cm from the page left border and 5.5 cm du from the report header top.
- Height: 0.4 cm
- Width: 3.0 cm
Print time
- Font: Arial 10 Black
- Format: Default system time
- Alignment: right
- Distances: 17.3 cm from the page left border and 5.5 cm du from the report header top.
- Height: 0.4 cm
- Width: 1.5 cm
Report code (?X3ETA)
- Font: Arial 8 Black
- Alignment: left
- Distances: 0.8 cm from the page left border and 23.7 cm du from the report header top.
- Height: 0.4 cm
- Width: 3.5 cm
Folder (?X3DOS)
- Font: Arial 8 Black
- Alignment: left
- Distances: 0.8 cm from the page left border and 24.1 cm du from the report header top.
- Height: 0.4 cm
- Width: 10.0 cm
Application logo
- Insert the ATEMPLATE_LOGO3.rpt report (available as an example in the application root folder) as a sub-report.
- In the sub-report setup window, in the Borders tab, choose "none" in the 4 border line styles.
- Change the links of the sub-report, select (?X3DOS) in "available fields" and set it to "fields to link", select (?X3DOS) in "field links".
- Distances: 14.8 cm from the page left border and 20.5 cm du from the report header top.
- Height: 3.4 cm
- Width: 4.0 cm
Operator (?X3OPE)
- Font: Arial 8 Black
- Alignment: right
- Distances: 10.8 cm from the page left border and 24.1 cm du from the report header top.
- Height: 0.4 cm
- Width: 8.0 cm
Print criteria
They need to be placed between the print date and time and the application logo.
The start position can vary depending on the number of criteria.
It may prove necessary to move up the report title and the print date and time to insert all the criteria.
The application logo should not be covered.
Selection and sort criteria
Dark green frame (RGB: 0, 132, 105) :
- Distances: 6.2 cm from the page left border and 10.4 cm du from the report header top.
- Height: 0.5 cm. The height can be 0.4 cm if there are numerous criteria.
- Width: 12.6 cm. The width can be larger than 12.6 cm, depending on the length of the criteria to be edited: then the frame needs to be put closer to the left border.
Title "Selection criteria":
- Font: Arial 9 White Bold
- Alignment: left
- Distances: 0.25 cm closer to the right and 0.05 cm lower than the dark green frame.
- Height: 0.4 cm
- Width: 9 cm
Alternating white and light green frames (RGB: 240, 255, 230) with the same width and height than the dark green frame. The distance to the report header top is 0.5 cm lower than the previous frame.
- Font: Arial 9 Black
- Criterion title: do not use either ":" or "?"
- Alignment: left
- Distances: 0.25 cm closer to the right and 0.05 cm lower than the frame.
- Height: 0.4 cm
- Width: variable
The selection criteria ranges need to be aligned vertically (see example below).
Grouping criteria
Dark green frame (RGB: 0, 132, 105) :
- Distances: 6.2 cm from the left border of the page and 0.5 cm lower than the previous frame.
- Height: 0.5 cm. The height can be 0.4 cm if there are numerous criteria.
- Width: 12.6 cm. The width can be larger than 12.6 cm, depending on the length of the criteria to be edited: then the frame needs to be put closer to the left border.
Title "Grouping criteria":
- Font: Arial 9 White Bold
- Alignment: left
- Distances: 0.25 cm closer to the right and 0.05 cm lower than the dark green frame.
- Height: 0.4 cm
- Width: 9 cm
Alternating white and light green frames (RGB: 240, 255, 230) : same thing as for the selection criteria.
Criteria: same thing as for the selection criteria.
For instance, the following may be obtained:
- A dark green band for the selection criteria
- Selection and sort criteria lines (starting with the white background).
- A dark green band for the grouping criteria
- Grouping criteria lines (starting with the white background).
Report header (landscape mode)
Sage logo Sage (Big format)
- Insert the ATEMPLATE_LOGO2.rpt report (available as an example in the application root folder) as a sub-report.
- In the sub-report setup window, in the Borders tab, choose "none" in the 4 border line styles.
- Change the links of the sub-report, select (?X3DOS) in "available fields" and set it to "fields to link", select (?X3DOS) in "field links".
- Distances: 0.8 cm from the page left border and 2.1 cm du from the report header top.
- Height: 1.5 cm
- Width: 3.7 cm
Vertical dark green band
- Distances: 0.8 cm from the page left border and 4.2 cm du from the report header top.
- Height: 12.1 cm
- Width: 3.6 cm
Report title (?X3TIT)
- Font: Arial 20 Black Bold
- Alignment: right
- Distances: 13.1 cm from the page left border and 4.2 cm du from the report header top.
- Height: 0.8 cm
- Width: 12.6 cm
Print date
- Font: Arial 10 Black
- Customized format: 01/03/1999
- Alignment: right
- Distances: 21.0 cm from the page left border and 5.5 cm du from the report header top.
- Height: 0.4 cm
- Width: 3.0 cm
Print time
- Font: Arial 10 Black
- Format: Default system time
- Alignment: right
- Distances: 24.2 cm from the page left border and 5.5 cm du from the report header top.
- Height: 0.4 cm
- Width: 1.5 cm
Report code (?X3ETA)
- Font: Arial 8 Black
- Alignment: left
- Distances: 0.8 cm from the page left border and 16.8 cm du from the report header top.
- Height: 0.4 cm
- Width: 3.5 cm
Folder (?X3DOS)
- Font: Arial 8 Black
- Alignment: left
- Distances: 0.8 cm from the page left border and 17.2 cm du from the report header top.
- Height: 0.4 cm
- Width: 10.0 cm
Application logo
- Insert the ATEMPLATE_LOGO3.rpt report (available as an example in the application root folder) as a sub-report.
- In the sub-report setup window, in the Borders tab, choose "none" in the 4 border line styles.
- Change the links of the sub-report, select (?X3DOS) in "available fields" and set it to "fields to link", select (?X3DOS) in "field links".
- Distances: 21.7 cm from the page left border and 13.6 cm du from the report header top.
- Height: 3.4 cm
- Width: 4.0 cm
Operator (?X3OPE)
- Font: Arial 8 Black
- Alignment: right
- Distances: 13.7 cm from the page left border and 17.2 cm du from the report header top.
- Height: 0.4 cm
- Width: 8.0 cm
Print criteria
They need to be placed between the print date and time and the application logo.
The start position can vary depending on the number of criteria.
It may prove necessary to move up the report title and the print date and time to insert all the criteria.
The application logo should not be covered.
Selection and sort criteria
Dark green frame (RGB: 0, 132, 105) :
- Distances: 9.7 cm from the page left border and 8.0 cm du from the report header top.
- Height: 0.5 cm. The height can be 0.4 cm if there are numerous criteria.
- Width: 16.0 cm. The width can be larger than 16.0 cm, depending on the length of the criteria to be edited: then the frame needs to be put closer to the left border.
Title "Selection criteria":
- Font: Arial 9 White Bold
- Alignment: left
- Distances: 0.25 cm closer to the right and 0.05 cm lower than the dark green frame.
- Height: 0.4 cm
- Width: 9 cm
Alternating white and light green frames (RGB: 240, 255, 230) with the same width and height than the dark green frame. The distance to the report header top is 0.5 cm lower than the previous frame.
- Font: Arial 9 Black
- Criterion title: do not use either ":" or "?"
- Alignment: left
- Distances: 0.25 cm closer to the right and 0.05 cm lower than the frame.
- Height: 0.4 cm
- Width: variable
The selection criteria ranges need to be aligned vertically (see example provided).
Grouping criteria
Dark green frame (RGB: 0, 132, 105) :
- Distances: 6.2 cm from the left border of the page and 0.5 cm lower than the previous frame.
- Height: 0.5 cm. The height can be 0.4 cm if there are numerous criteria.
- Width: 12.6 cm. The width can be larger than 12.6 cm, depending on the length of the criteria to be edited: then the frame needs to be put closer to the left border.
Title "Grouping criteria":
- Font: Arial 9 White Bold
- Alignment: left
- Distances: 0.25 cm closer to the right and 0.05 cm lower than the dark green frame.
- Height: 0.4 cm
- Width: 9 cm
Alternating white and light green frames (RGB: 240, 255, 230) : same thing as for the selection criteria.
Criteria: same thing as for the selection criteria.
For instance, the following may be obtained:
- A dark green band for the selection criteria
- Selection and sort criteria lines (starting with the white background).
- A dark green band for the grouping criteria
- Grouping criteria lines (starting with the white background).
Page header
Report title (?X3TIT)
- Font: Arial 12 Black Bold
- Alignment: left
- Distances: 0.0 cm from the page left border and 0.1 cm du from the page header top.
- Height: 0.5 cm.
- Width: 12.6 cm
Print date
- Font: Arial 8 Black
- Alignment: right
- Customized format: "1 mar 1999"
- Distances: 16.1 cm from the left border of the page in portrait mode or 23.0 cm in landscape mode, aligned on the report title base.
- Height: 0.4 cm
- Width: 2.7 cm
Separation line
- Style: simple - width: 1 pt - color: black
- Distances: 0.0 cm from the page left border and 0.7 cm du from the page header top.
- Length: 18.8 cm in portrait mode or 25.7 cm in landscape mode.
Column headers
This band will only be present once in each page, in the header, and any breaks will be edited below.
Style: simpleWidth: file:Frame color: dark green (RGB: 0, 132, 105)Color filling: dark green (RGB: 0, 132, 105)Distances: 0.0 cm from the page left border and 1.0 cm du from the page header top.Height: 0.5 cmWidth: 18.8 cm in portrait mode or 25.7 cm in landscape mode.
Column titles
Font: Arial 9 White BoldDistances: 1.05 cm from the page header topHeight: 0.4 cmThe title of the 1st column will be placed 0.25 cm from the left border of the page.
Sage logo (Small format)
- Insert the ATEMPLATE_LOGO1.rpt report (available as an example in the application root folder) as a sub-report.
- In the sub-report setup window, in the Borders tab, choose "none" in the 4 border line styles.
- Change the links of the sub-report, select (?X3DOS) in "available fields" and set it to "fields to link", select (?X3DOS) in "field links".
- Distances: 0.0 cm from the page left border and 0.5 cm du from the footer top.
- Height: 0.6 cm
- Width: 1.4 cm
Page number (Page N/M)
- Font: Arial 8 Black
- Alignment: right
- Distances: 14.3 cm from the left border of the page in portrait mode or 21.2 cm in landscape mode, aligned on the Sage logo base.
- Height: 0.4 cm
- Width: 4.5 cm
Print detail
- Font: Arial 9 Black
- The 1st field will be placed 0.25 cm from the left border of the page
- If the current record is printed over several lines, place the print fields on top of each other.
These pieces of information are valid for the header and the break footer.
- Font: Arial 9 Black Bold, on the whole line.
Printed information
The information to be printed must follow each other, without too much space left in-between.
If some information is not printed systematically (for instance, depending on the number of analytical dimension views), it is recommended to print it at the end of the line, in order to avoid blank space in the middle of the line.
Number of breaks
The various break levels are aligned to the left, without indentation.
The number of breaks is not limited, but only the first 3 breaks will be followed by a separation line.
Space betwwen the breaks
- No ":" after the descriptions preceding the breaks.
Break of level >= 4
- Leave 0.25 cm before the break zone
- Break zone on a 0.4 cm height
- Leave 0.25 cm after the break zone
Level 3 break
- Leave 0.25 cm before the break zone
- Break zone on a 0.4 cm height
- Separation line: Style: simple - Width: 1 pt - Color: Silver (RGB: 192, 192, 192) - Length: 18.8 cm in portrait mode or 25.7 cm in landscape mode, starting 0.4 cm lower than the break zone.
- Leave 0.35 cm after the break zone
Level 2 break
- Leave 0.25 cm before the break zone
- Break zone on a 0.4 cm height
- Separation line: Style: simple - Width: 1.5 pt - Color: Silver (RGB: 192, 192, 192) - Length: 18.8 cm in portrait mode or 25.7 cm in landscape mode, starting 0.4 cm lower than the break zone.
- Leave 0.45 cm after the break zone
Level 1 break
- Leave 0.25 cm before the break zone
- Break zone on a 0.4 cm height
- Separation line: Style: simple - Width: 2 pts - Color: Silver (RGB: 192, 192, 192) - Length: 18.8 cm in portrait mode or 25.7 cm in landscape mode, starting 0.4 cm lower than the break zone.
- Leave 0.55 cm after the break zone
* If there are only 2 break levels:
- level 2 will be followed by a separation line of 1 pt and a 0.35 cm space.
- level 1 will be followed by a separation line of 1.5 pt and a 0.45 cm space.
* If there is only 1 break level, it will be followed by a separation line of 1 pt and a 0.35 cm space.
Break total, regardless of the level
- Enter 'Total" before the break zone being the subject of the total.
- Separation line: same characteristics as the break, depending on its level.
- Space after the break zone: same characteristics as the break, depending on its level.
General total
The general total will only be present in some prints. It is not the level 1 break total.
It is placed in the report footer.
Style: simpleWidth: file:Frame color: dark green (RGB: 0, 132, 105)Color filling: dark green (RGB: 0, 132, 105)Distances: 0.0 cm from the page left border and 0.25 cm from the report footer top.Height: 0.5 cm (or other based on the printed information)Width: 18.8 cm in portrait mode or 25.7 cm in landscape mode.
Column titles
Font: Arial 9 White BoldDistances: 0.3 cm from the report footer topHeight: 0.4 cm (or other based on the printed information)
Alternating lines
The alternating lines are managed in landscape or portrait mode if the printed information cannot be read or if the line(s) is(are) not complete.
The color chosen for the alternating line is light green (RGB: 240, 255, 230). To that end, the following operations need to be performed: copy the detail line, add a frame painted light green.
Add a deletion condition in the detail fields, in order to alternate the lines, for instance, by testing if the line is even or odd (e.g.: RecordNumber mod 2<>0 means that the line is odd).
Break management
It can be envisaged to manage a break, upon the user's request (via a print criterion): only at 1st break level.
Existing reports
P0 priority
Report header page: modify it by inserting the Sage logo, the vertical band, by moving the print criteria, etc.Modify the font and size of the printed fields.Page header: enter the report title and print dateFooter: enter the Sage logo and page numberEnter the print column titles in a frame on a dark green background and enter these titles in white, without changing their sections
P1 priority
Delete the frames (horizontal and vertical lines).Move the column header band to the page header.Manage the breaks and break totals: alignment, font, space before and after, separation line of various thickness depending on the break level.If there is a total, enter it in a frame over a dark green background.
Nex reports
Selection criteria
The following information should be requested in the selection criteria for new reports:
The following criteria should be spread as much as possible: currency, journal no., date, BP, closed/delivered status, type, ... and any other criteria that could bring additional flexibility to the report.
This will vary with the reports and tables concerned.
Field size
To determine the size of the fields positioned on the report, an Excel spreadsheet has been completed.
Positioning of windows on envelopes
DL French format (11cm x 22 cm)
English format (11cm x 22 cm)