Attached document: List of sections which can be used in the movements  

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This document displays a list of the sections which can be used to set up the movements carried out for the records linked to the fixed assets and designed to be integrated in the application.
These sections are classified by object type and movement type.

This document is an addition to the documentation dealing with the Movements to integrate function.


Disposal and disposal cancellation

The sections which can be used to set up a disposal or a disposal cancellation are the sections of the FASISSP screen for the Mass issue function (FASISSM).

Typical section




Disposal date



Issue type

ML 3159


Issue rule:

ML 3274


Sales amount type

 ML 3230


Depreciation plan

 ML 3101


Sales amount


Allocation key

ML 3231


Depreciation plan

ML 3101


- VAT rate on sales



VAT for the issue



VAT rule for the issue

 ML 3160








Provisional issue

ML 1


Component asset disposal

ML 1


Disposal cancellation

ML 1


Component asset disposal

ML 1


Impairment loss cancellation

ML 1


Overwrite pending movements

ML 1

Transfer and transfer cancellation

The sections which can be used to set up a disposal or a transfer cancellation are the sections of the FASTRFP screen for the Mass transfer function (FASTRFM).

Typical section 




Transfer date:



 Transfer reason

TD 612


 Financial site



 Geographic site






 Activity sector






 Analytical distribution



Analytical dimension type



 Analytical dimension




 ML 1


 Overwrite pending movements

 ML 1

Accounting allocation modification

The sections which can be used to set up an accounting allocation change associated to a change of method are the sections of the FASTRFC screen of the Mass change of accounting allocation (FASTRFCM).

Typical section




Allocation change reason

 TD 603


Holding type choice



Holding type

 ML 3171


Classification date choice



Date classement



Group choice






Accounting code choice



Accounting code



First use date



Plan to be processed

 ML 1


Chg effective start

 ML 3268


UPD depreciation start date



Depreciation start date



Depreciation method



UPD depreciation end date

 ML 1


Depreciation end date



UPD Depreciation duration

 ML 1


Depreciation duration



Rate update

 ML 1





Exceptional depreciation rate update

 ML 1


Exceptional depreciation rate



UPD financial help specific rule

 ML 1


Financial help specific rule

 ML 3168


Acceleration coefficient update

 ML 1


Acceleration coefficient



Prorata update

 ML 1



 ML 3105


Variance management

 ML 1


Method change variance recovery

 ML 3169


The list of sections which can be used is contained in the miscellaneous table no. 637.

Typical section



Description 1


 Description 2


 Free field 1


 Free field 10


 Free field 2


 Free field 3


 Free field 4


 Free field 5


 Free field 6


 Free field 7


 Free field 8


 Free field 9


 Free field 1 factor


 Free field 2 factor


 Free field 1 date


 Free field 2 date


 Free field 3 date


 Free field 4 date


 Free field 1 amount


 Free field 2 amount


 Free field 3 amount


 Free field 4 amount


 Free field 5 amount


 Free field 6 amount


The sections which can be used to set up a splitting are the sections of the FASSPL1 screen of the Split an asset function. 

Typical section




 Split date




 TD 626



 ML 3126


 Amount for distribution

 ML 3125


 In (number of assets)



 Allocate quantity



 Distribute in percentage




 ML 3120





















The list of sections which can be used is contained in the miscellaneous table no. 636.

Typical section



Description 1


 Description 2


 Free field 1


 Free field 10


 Free field 2


 Free field 3


 Free field 4


 Free field 5


 Free field 6


 Free field 7


 Free field 8


 Free field 9


 Free field 1 factor


 Free field 2 factor


 Free field 1 date


 Free field 2 date


 Free field 3 date


 Free field 4 date


 Free field 1 amount


 Free field 2 amount


 Free field 3 amount


 Free field 4 amount


 Free field 5 amount


 Free field 6 amount

Physical elements

Disposal and disposal cancellation

The sections which can be used to set up a disposal or a disposal cancellation are the sections of the PHYISSP screen for the Mass issue function (PHYISSM).

Typical section




Disposal date



Disposal reason

ML 3159


Issue cancellation

ML 1

Transfer and transfer cancellation

The sections which can be used to set up a disposal or a disposal cancellation are the sections of the PHYTRFM screen for the Mass geographic transfer function (PHYTRFM).

Typical section 




 Movement date



 Transfer reason

 TD 612


 Financial site



 Geographic site






 Transfer cancellation

 ML 1


The list of sections which can be used is contained in the miscellaneous table no. 638.

Typical section





 Description 2


 Free field 1


 Free field 10


 Free field 2


 Free field 3


 Free field 4


 Free field 5


 Free field 6


 Free field 7


 Free field 8


 Free field 9


 Free field 1 factor


 Free field 2 factor


 Free field 1 date


 Free field 2 date


 Free field 3 date


 Free field 4 date


 Free field 1 amount


 Free field 2 amount


 Free field 3 amount


 Free field 4 amount


 Free field 5 amount


 Free field 6 amount