This document completes the general documentation by describing the archiving and purging processes for tables. See the documentation on Archiving/Purging.
It presents:
During the archiving/purging process, 3 FYs are stored by default in the operation folder. However this number of FYs may be modified through dedicated parameters:
This parameter only applies to financial assets, especially to the following records:
They do not apply to the event archiving/purging which affects all the closed FYs.
The archiving/purging affects the events for which the effective date (EVTDAT) is within the closed FY of each depreciation context.
The archive/purge criterion is defined according to the event effective date and to the FY and period statuses corresponding to the context (Accounting & fiscal for events without any plan mention).
List of the events on expenses
Code | Title | Table | Evt / Plan |
LOFCIM | Account change | ELOFCIM | Yes |
LOFCNL | Expense deletion | ELOFCNL | Yes |
LOFVATREG | Adjust VAT - Expense | ELOFVATREG | Yes |
When the archiving is used, the only events that may be viewed are the one associated with the expenses and which have been archived too via the Journal of Events. The events associated with the expenses, but which have not been archived, may be viewed through requests.
The archiving/purging process deals with the following:
--> the assets (FXDASSETS table ) complying with the following criteria:
--> their depreciations (DEPREC table ),
--> their events (EFAS* tables, see below),
--> their linked expenses (LAYOUTFAS table),
--> the events generated for these expenses (ELOF* tables, see below)
--> the linked physical elements (PHYELT table),
--> the events associated with these physical elements (EPHY* tables, see below).
Example Without any modification of NBEXNOHIS value, the number of closed FYs to save equals 3.
Accounting and fiscal context.
01/01/2007 - 31/12/2007: closed
01/01/2008 - 31/12/2008: closed
01/01/2009 - 31/12/2009: closed
01/01/2010 - 31/12/2010: closed
01/01/2011 - 31/12/2011: current
IAS/IFRS context
01/10/2007 - 30/09/2008: closed
01/10/2008 - 30/09/2009: closed
01/10/2009 - 30/09/2010: closed
01/10/2010 - 30/09/2011: current
Only the events for which the issue date is before 01/10/2007, are taken into account.
The archiving/purging affects depreciation (DEPREC table) related to or before the closed FY - n FYs (where n represents the value of the parameter NBEXNOHIS - No of closed FYs to archive).
The archive/purge criterion is defined according to the end date of the depreciation FY and to the FY status corresponding to the context.
Example Without any modification of NBEXNOHIS value, the number of closed FYs to save equals 3.
Accounting and fiscal context.
01/01/2007 - 31/12/2007: closed to archive/purge
01/01/2008 - 31/12/2008: closed
01/01/2009 - 31/12/2009: closed
01/01/2010 - 31/12/2010: closed
01/01/2011 - 31/12/2011: current
IAS/IFRS context
01/10/2006 - 30/09/2007: closed to archive/purge
01/10/2007 - 30/09/2008: closed
01/10/2008 - 30/09/2009: closed
01/10/2009 - 30/09/2010: closed
01/10/2010 - 30/09/2011: current
The selection takes into account the DEPREC records:
The archiving/purging affects the events for which the effective date (EVTDAT) is within the closed FY of each depreciation context.
The archive/purge criterion is defined according to the event effective date and to the FY and period statuses corresponding to the context (Accounting & fiscal for events without any plan mention).
When the archiving is used, the only events that may be viewed are the one associated with the assets and which have been archived too via the Journal of Events. The events associated with the assets, but which have not been archived, may be viewed through requests.
List of the events on assets
Code | Title | Table | Evt / Plan |
FASACT | Update | EFASACT | Yes |
FASAFFAGE | Transfer - geo. / analytical | EFASAFFAGE | Yes |
FASCHGIMP | Change CoA or IFRS posting | EFASCHGIMP | Yes |
FASCNL | Asset deletion | EFASCNL | Yes |
FASCRT | Asset creation | EFASCRT | Yes |
FASIML | Impairment loss | EFASIML | Yes |
FASISS | Asset issue | EFASISS | Yes |
FASMTC | Depreciation method modification | EFASMTC | Yes |
FASREEVAL | Revaluation | EFASREEVAL | Yes |
FASVATREG | VAT adjustment - Assets | EFASVATREG | Yes |
Code | Title | Activity code | Table | Evt / Plan |
FASLNKCNL | Asset/Variance deletion | LNK | EFASLNKCNL | Yes |
The archiving/purging process deals with the following:
-->the physical elements (PHYELT table) associated with issued assets (the physical elements are issued),
--> their associated events (EPHY* tables, see below).
The archiving/purging affects the events for which the effective date (EVTDAT) is within the closed FY of each depreciation context.
The archive/purge criterion is defined according to the event effective date and to the FY and period statuses corresponding to the context (Accounting & fiscal for events without any plan mention).
List of the events on physical elements
Code | Title | Activity code | Table | Evt / Plan |
PHYAFFGEO | Element geo. transfer | PHY | EPHYAFFGEO | No |
PHYCRT | Physical asset creation. | PHY | EPHYCRT | No |
PHYISS | Physical element issue | PHY | EPHYISS | No |