Two sequence numbers are used for bank files, whether they are or not of the SEPA type:
This function is object managed. The creation, modification, and deletion operations can be activated or deactivated for a given user. Filters by roles can also be associated with this function.
The following tables are implemented by the function :
Table |
Table description |
Texts to translate |
Bank file definitions |
Among the variables that can be useful to define the calculation formulas of the bank file sections, there are the following variables, described based on the context:
Record type | Variable | Explanation |
Header | FLEURO | "Euro" flag (not required when the transitional period is over) |
Header | BANQUE | Bank code |
Header | DEVBAN | Bank currency |
Header | GLOCALDEV | Local company currency |
Details | NUMREC | Line number |
Details | AMTBAN | Line amount (in bank currency) |
Details | AMTCUR | Line amount (in movement currency) |
Details | AMTVIR | Line amount in "cents" of the movement currency (i.e. multiplied by the adequate power of 10) |
Details | NOMTIRE | Name of the drawee |
Details | TFAC(0..n) | Entry numbers of the invoices read and concerned by the payment line (with n as the number of payment lines) |
Details | TREF (0..n) | Numbers of the original documents of the supplier invoices (max: same as TFAC) |
Details | TDAT (0..n) | Date of the original document of the supplier invoices (max: same as TFAC) |
Details | NBFAC | Number of invoices read and concerned by the payment line |
Total | TOTCUR | Total amount (in movement currency) |
Total | TOTVIR | Total amount (in "cents" of the movement currency) |
Total | TOTBAN | Total amount (in bank currency) |
For Spanish localization purposes, a table containing the numbers of the invoices settled by a payment line is available.This can be useful in other cases (for instance, when the internal reference of the invoice should be included into the line of the bank file, if a single invoice is concerned by the payment, which can be tested using the condition NBFAC=1).
To build the formulas enabling the calculation of the file sections, all the fields of the tables are also available on the lines. They are:
Table | Table Title |
PAYMENTH | Payment line |
BANK | Bank |
TABPAYTYP | Payment transaction |
COMPANY | Company |
TABCUR | the currency |
SINVOICE or PINVOICE (*) | Purchase or sale invoice |
(*) The first purchase or sales invoice concerned by the payment is on a line (this is interesting mainly if a single invoice is concerned by the payment). This is only implemented from version 134 and above.