This document describes the extraction process for Abel Enterprise data that will then be imported to Sage X3 during a migration operation. The procedure for the import of these data is described in the documentation on the Abel Enterprise recovery function.
The extraction is performed using an assistant, able to quickly analyze and produce a file that is compatible with the import templates of Sage X3.
This assistant is composed of 2 distinct modules:
The volume analyses and the controls are performed on the structure information as well as on the business information and the ledger. Controls on the processings are also performed.
List of the analyses and controls performed:
Code | Description | Type |
ES01 | Number and list of companies | Informative |
ES02 | Number and list of contexts | Informative |
ES03 | Number and list of associations | Informative |
Code | Description | Type |
EM01 | Number of assets | Informative |
EM02 | Number of accounting journals | Informative |
EM03 | Number of physical assets | Informative |
Code | Description | Type |
ER01 | Volume of active user codes | Informative |
ER02 | List of geographical sites (U11) | Informative |
ER03 | Free depreciation methods used | Warning |
Code | Description | Type |
CS01 | Site code identical to the company code | Blocking |
CS02 | Non unique site code | Blocking |
Code | Description | Type |
CM01 | Non unique asset reference | Blocking |
CM02 | Non unique accounting journal reference | Blocking |
CM03 | Non unique physical asset reference | Blocking |
CM04 | Asset - Physical asset link of nBCO-1BPH type | Blocking |
CM05 | Assets disposed on previous fiscal years | Informative |
CM06 | Incorrect asset set | Warning |
CM07 | Assets on site *** | Warning |
Code | Description | Type |
CR01 | IFRS/IAS plan fiscal year breakdown different from that of the chart of accounts | Blocking |
CR02 | Occurrences of non unique reference tables | Warning |
CR03 | Existence of hierarchical tables | Warning |
CR04 | Free dictionary fields having several control tables all companies combined | Warning |
CR05 | Free dictionary fields having different titles all companies combined | Warning |
CR06 | Specific occurrences in internal tables | Warning |
CR07 | SITE/BUILDING/FLOOR/ROOM length control | Warning |
Code | Description | Type |
CT01 | Intra-group sale not completed | Blocking |
CT02 | Stock count integration not completed | Blocking |
CT03 | Insertion or movement by upstream interface not completed | Blocking |
CT04 | Physical and accounting asset reconciliation not completed | Blocking |
CT05 | Disposal validation not completed | Blocking |
CT06 | Transfer validation not completed | Blocking |
According to the query type, the result will be presented on the data audit launch screen, with the following color code:
- Green for a message about volume or other type of informative message
- Blue for a non-blocking warning message
- Red for a blocking message that requires an intervention.
These controls are only used to identify problems; they are not blocking for the export of data.If blocking anomalies are found, it is the responsibility of the user to correct these anomalies before exporting the data.
The data export must be set up in several successive screens, the last of which is the processing launch screen.
The parameters entered cannot be recorded to be used again.
SCREEN 1:Selection of entities
It is used to select the entities to process:
- Asset
- Accounting journal / Invoice
- Physical asset
It is possible to filter the elements to be processed (assets, physical assets...), by entering a Selection or Multi-criteria search reference.
SCREEN 2:Company selection
It is used, for a processing at level *** (all companies), to select the companies to be processed. By default, all the companies are selected.
SCREEN 3:Asset parameters
It is used to filter the assets to be exported according to the "Nature" criterion.
By default, only the assets with the nature "Actual asset", "Asset disposed on previous fiscal year", "Asset in process" are recuperated. It is possible to add assets of "Fictional asset", "Canceled asset" and "Invoice" nature.
An additional column allows, for "assets disposed on previous fiscal year", to specify a threshold (in years) in order to process only the assets whose disposal date is later than the fiscal year corresponding to: current fiscal year - entered value.
Example: fiscal year 2010 and threshold of 2 years.
The export will process all the assets disposed from year 2008 onwards (2010 - 2 years).
It is also possible to select the plans to be exported. If they are managed, the Chart of Accounts and IAS/IFRS plans are always selected.
SCREEN 4:Parameters
Reference tables
Business data
SCREEN 5:Launching of the report
Selected entities: reminder of the selected entities.
Generated file(s)
The launch is performed by clicking the Run button. The evolution of the processing is displayed and a detailed report is generated at the end of the processing.