The launch of Adonix request via the batch server can be managed from a dedicated Adonix function : The launch of requests. But it is also possible to manage the batch launch of requests by the server using ASCII files containing the definition of the request in the directory defined in the server parameters. This is also used to trigger the batch requests from external supervision software packages. This documents describes in detail the files available, as well as the execution cycle for these requests.
In order that the batch launch of the requests can be made via the intermediary of files, it is necessary :
That the general parameter Use of batch files is set to Yes in the batch server parameters.
That the EXTBATCH parameter is set to Yes. This parameter, which belongs to the group SUP, can be defined at the level of the folder and user. It is thus possible to globally prohibit the batch launch of requests in this way for a given folder, by according if necessary an exception to the designated users.
The launch of a batch request can be carried out by placing a file with the extension .job in the directory dedicated to these files. This file must be of the type ASCII, structured with a line ending by <CR> or <CR><LF>, each line defining the value of a parameter in the form :
Certain parameters are mandatory and identify the execution context of the request. Other parameters depend on the request to be launched : their name corresponds to the name of the parameters defined in the screen associated with the launch of the request. In certain cases, a table of parameters is defined in the screen ; the syntax is then PARAMETER(index)=VALUE, index being a numeric value.
In order to facilitate the creation of such a file, it is possible to launch the request from the software by checking the template box in the request launch screen. If this is done, a file contains a complete list of launch parameters and their value will be created in the launch directory. This file is created with the name of the request and the .mod extension.
In the table below are the names of the mandatory parameters and their definition.
DOSSIER | The code for the folder in which the request must be launched. |
UTIL | The code for the connection user in the folder |
PASSE | The encrypted password for the user |
GRP | The group of requests (if a group is launched) |
TACHE | The request (if a request is launched) |
DATE | The launch date (with the format YYYYMMDD) |
HEURE | The launch time (with the format HHMM) |
it should be noted that the parameter values are given without any sort of separator and that it is possible to insert comment lines prefixed with the character #. Thus the following can be entered in the requests file :
# Mandatory parameters
# Additional parameters
The batch server checks at regular intervals the contents of the directory dedicated to the request files. During the checks, it reads the files present in the directory taking them in order of their ASCII classification. Thus, it is advisable to name these files with a fixed root and a sequential number on a fixed length. They can for example be named REQ000001.req, REQ0000002.req
During the processing of this file, the files are created successively in the different directories defined by the batch server parameters. These fields are defined below :
Batch process request made | Creation of the file xxxxx.job using an external process, in the dedicated directory. |
The batch server takes into account the request and updates its table of requests to be launched. | The file xxxxx.job is renamed xxxxx.req (and moved if the directories are not the same) |
The server detects an error in the parameters file (password incorrect, task code unknown...) | The file xxxxx.job is renamed xxxxx.old (and moved if the directories are not the same) A file xxxxx.sta is created in the dedicated directory. It contains an error code that is used to identify that the receipt file format was incorrect (see the file format below). |
The request is in execution, the batch server having launched it. | The file xxxxx.req is renamed xxxxx.old (and moved if the directories are not the same) A file named is created in a dedicated directory. |
The request is terminated (correctly or with an error) | The file is deleted, and a file xxxxx.sta is created in the dedicated directory : this file contains a return status (see the file format below). |
An interruption request made to the batch request (pending launch or already launched). | Creation of the file xxxxx.kil using an external process, in the dedicated directory. |
Take into account the interruption request (if the request is not yet launched) | The file xxxxx.req (or the file xxxxx.job if it has not yet been taken into account) is renamed as xxxxx.old. The file xxxxx.sta is created in the dedicated directory. It contains an error code that is used to identify that the request has been interrupted without having been launched. The file xxxxx.kil is deleted. |
Take into account the interruption request (if the request is already launched and not yet terminated) | The request is interrupted by killadx, then the file xxxxx.sta is created in the dedicated directory, with an error code that is used to identify that the request has been interrupted. The files xxxxx.kil and are deleted. |
Taking into account the execution priorities or the stopping of the batch server, the request could not be launched within the planned lead-time (request out of time) | The request is not launched, but the file xxxxx.req (the file xxxxx.jobin certain cases) is renamed xxxx.old and moved if necessary. A file xxxxx.sta is created in the dedicated directory. It contains an error code that is used to identify that the request could not be launched. |
It should be noted that the fact that a file exists does not necessarily signify that the request in question is running. In fact, if the batch server has been stopped without the requests that were running on it being stopped, the corresponding files will still exist even when the request should have terminated its process. In this case, the xxxxx.sta will no longer be created. On the other hand, when the batch server is relaunched, the file will be deleted, a xxxxx.sta file containing a specific status then being created.
The number of batch requests currently being processed can therefore not strictly be deduced from the number of files present in the dedicated directory.
These files are ASCII files, coded in ASCII 8 bits, present in the different directories according to the parameterization :
The structure of the only line contained in the files .run and .sta is the following :
The exact structure is the following :
Status no. | Request no. | Start date and time | End date and time | Folder code | User code | Task code | Message | End of line |
5 numbers | (8 numbers) | (14 numbers) | (14 numbers) | (10 characters) | (5 characters) | (10 characters) | (80 characters) | (1 or 2 bytes) |
The message field is used to explain the error code if necessary. It is fixed length stored on 80 characters (the message being completed by spaces if necessary).
The request number stored on 8 characters, prefixed with zeros if necessary. This number is used to identify the log file name generated on the execution of the request. In fact, this file is called RQTNNNNNNNN.tra (NNNNNNNN being the request name in 8 characters). It is located in the TRA sub-directory of the folder SERVX3. It should be noted that this number can be null in certain error cases, when no request could be launched.
The task code corresponds to the task or linked tasks launched, and it is by this name that it is known in the task/linked tasks table.
The status code, over 5 numeric characters is used to identify the execution result. The first number determines the global result of the execution, the following numbers giving the additional information. When the request is terminated without error or without warning, then the error code equals to 0000. The detail of the codes is given below :
Value of the error code over 5 numbers | Message | |||
First number | Meaning | Supplement | Meaning |
0 | Normal end to processing | 0000 | Without warning | REQUEST TERMINATED |
NNNN | With NNNN warnings in the log file (9999 if 9999 or more) | REQUEST TERMINATED WITH WARNINGS | ||
| Process end with error
| 0000 | Non specified error (for example if GOK=-1 and no additional information) | REQUEST TERMINATED WITH UNKNOWN ERROR |
1NNN | Error no NNNN from Adonix engine (message M) | END ON ADONIX ERROR : M | ||
2000 | Locking error (GOK=0) | LOCKING ERROR | ||
3NNN | Logic error in processing with : NNN = variable value GERRBATCH, | REQUEST TERMINATED WITH ERROR M | ||
Important note :
| ||||
| Process not launched
| 1000 | The task has been programmed for a given time, but it could not be launched within the given time. | TIME EXCEEDED |
2000 | Non existent task | TTT TASK NON EXISTENT | ||
3100 | Authorization (user U unknown) | USERU UNKNOWN | ||
3200 | Authorization (password incorrect for user U) | PASSWORD INCORRECT FOR THE USER U | ||
3300 | Authorization (refused by entry point) | PROCESS NOT LAUNCHED BECAUSE RIGHTS REFUSED BY ENTRY POINT | ||
3400 | Authorization (level N for the task prohibited for user U insufficient) | ACCESS LEVEL N NOT AUTHORIZED FOR THE USER U | ||
3500 | Authorization (function F not authorized for the user U) | F FUNCTION NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USER U | ||
4NNN | Passage mono user mode impossible (NNN users in process) | PASSAGE TO MONO MODE IMPOSSIBLE BECAUSE NNN USERS CONNECTED | ||
5000 | Process T non existent | PROCESS T NON EXISTENT | ||
3 | Process stop | 0000 | Stopping of the process, reason unknown (for example if a process other than the batch server has killed the request) | REQUEST INTERRUPTED (REASON UNKNOWN) |
1000 | By the file extension .kil, containing the message M | REQUEST INTERRUPTED BY U FOR THE REASON M | ||
NB: The user code can be empty in the case of a kill by file. In fact, the system tries to discover, from the identity of the user who created the file, if an Adonix user code corresponds or not. This search may not function according to the operating systems used. | ||||
2000 | By the task management and the user U : the message entered is M | REQUEST INTERRUPTED BY U FOR THE REASON M | ||
3000 | By the batch server because of time-out | PROCESS INTERRUPTED BY THE SERVER REASON=TIME EXCEEDED |
It should be noted that, in the case of batch task templates (GTRAITE template), the user has the following variables available, accessible in the specific/custom tasks, or in the standard tasks by means of the entry points :
Except for a coherence error on launch, the standard batch tasks in the software consider in all cases that the errors encountered are benign and simply update the log file by incrementing GERRTRACE. This signifies that any serious error interrupting the process must be processed in a specific/custom fashion, by means of entry points, by giving to GERRBATCH a value greater than 100.
This file, present in the TRA sub-directory of the SERVX3 directory, contains the server log. The structure of the lines conforms to that of a classic log file (standard header and numeric statuses over 5 characters). Each line is composed of a text potentially prefixed by a number (this number is itself preceded by the character < if it is considered an error, by = if it is a warning).
The following status numbers exist (they are prefixed by 4 and 5 for reasons of continuity with the previous statuses). It is to be noted that the statuses starting with 4 are the serious statuses that should not occur during normal operation (update, task management, batch server locking problems), and can either originate as system problems, from a bad installation or other reasons. The statuses starting with 5 are the normal statuses for the batch server activity :
Status | Explanation | Text |
41000 | De-synchronization task | DE-SYNCHRONIZATION TASK ERROR |
42000 | Problem with access to the tasks table | ACCESS ERROR WITH TASK TABLE |
43000 | Non existent request number | REQUEST NON EXISTENT ERROR |
44000 | Problem with access to the batch parameters table |
50000 | Server start-up | BATCH SERVER START-UP |
51000 | Request activation (process id P) | REQUEST ACTIVATION PID=P |
52NNN | Adonix error NNN during server start-up (error message = M) | SERVER START-UP ERROR M |
53000 | Other error at server start-up | UNDETERMINED ERROR AT SERVER START-UP |
54000 | Launch of the server when it is already active | THE SERVER IS ALREADY ACTIVE |
55000 | Stopping the batch server |
These files, present in the sub-directory TRA of directory SERVX3, containing the log associated with the request itself. The structure of the lines conforms to that of a classic log file (standard header and numeric statuses over 5 characters). Each line is composed of a text prefixed by a number (this number is itself preceded by the character < if it is considered an error or warning). These fields can be read directly from the request management by means of the right click / Read log.
After the header line, the first line in such a file is displayed in the form of a line with the following format (it includes the status Request activation is defined above) :
=51000 NNNNNNNN DD/MM/YY hh :mm :ss Request activation (51000)
(NNNNNNNN represents the task number in this case)
The classic log file lines for the task follow this first line (if the process in question is not launched in batch, these lines will be written in a classic log file FNNNNN.tra in the directory TRA of the launch folder). Then, except in the case where the task has been brutally stopped (for example by a killadx), a final line of an identical structure will be found, but where the number conforms to the status of a correct end (00000) or error (1NNNN) described above.