This block is used to select the calculation mode of the product cost:
Percentage per net price
The calculation is as follows: Net price * (% net price) * Quantity * (% payable by)
- The Percentage per net price is specified in the cost structure. It can be modified in the Structure detail window which can be accessed from the order.
- % payable by: see the general note at the end of the field help.
- Detail of the cost in the cost structure:
- % per net price: 10 %
- Detail of the order line:
- Net price: €100
- Quantity : 10.
- Percentage payable by the buyer: 50%
Calculated cost: 100 * 10% * 10 * 50 % = €50
Fixed amount
This is a fixed amount which is applied regardless of the amount, quantity, weight or volume.
The calculation is as follows: Value * (% payable by)
- The fixed amount value and the currency are specified in the cost structure. They can be modified in the Structure detail window which can be accessed from the order.
- In case of conversion of this amount into company currency, the exchange rate type used is the one defined in the cost.
- % payable by: see the general note at the end of the field help.
- Detail of the cost in the cost structure:
- Fixed amount: €100
- Detail of the order line:
- Percentage payable by the buyer: 50%
Calculated cost: 100 * 50% * = €50
Amount per unit
This calculation mode is used to specify a cost per unit.
The calculation is as follows: Value* (% payable by) * quantity
- The cost value, the basis to which the cost is applied (the quantity, volume or weight) and the unit of measure used are specified in the cost structure.
- When calculating the cost amount, the quantity of the product line is converted into the unit of the cost if they are different.
- % payable by: see the general note at the end of the field help.
- Detail of the cost in the cost structure:
- €10.50 per kg (value = 10.50, quantity = 1, basis = weight, unit = kg)
- Detail of the order line:
- Quantity : 100 and Stock unit: 1.
- Weight unit: kg and Weight of the STK: 0.500 (the stock unit thus weighs 0.500 kg).
- Percentage payable by the buyer: 50%
1/ Conversion of the quantity into stock unit, in kg (unit of the cost): 100 * 0.500 kg = 50 kg
2/ Calculated cost: 10.50 * 50 % * 50 = €262.50
Amount by fixed bracket
This calculation mode is used to specify a cost per fixed bracket.
The calculation is as follows: Value * Number of brackets * (% payable by)
- The cost value, the quantity included in the bracket, the basis to which the cost is applied (the quantity, volume or weight) and the unit of measure used are specified in the cost structure.
- When calculating the cost amount, the quantity of the product line is converted into the unit of the cost if they are different.
- By enabling the Highercheck box, it is possible to take into account the cost of the higher bracket when the quantity corresponding to the lower bracket has been exceeded. See example in field help Higher.
- % payable by: see the general note at the end of the field help.
- Detail of the cost in the cost structure:
- €10 by bracket of 10 kg (value = 10, quantity = 10, basis = weight, unit = kg.
- The check box Higher is selected.
- Detail of the order line:
- Quantity : 15 and Stock unit: 1.
- Weight unit: kg and Weight of the STK: 5.00 (the stock unit thus weighs 5 kg).
- Percentage payable by the buyer: 50%
1/ Conversion of the quantity into stock unit (in kg): 15 * 5 kg = 75 kg.
2/ The cost calculation takes into account 8 brackets of 10 kg: 10 * 8 * 50 % = €40
Amount by schedule
This calculation mode is used to specify a cost defined according to a schedule, either per unit, or by amount.
The calculation is as follows:
- Schedule per unit: Value originating from the schedule * Quantity * (% payable by)
- Schedule by amount: Value originating from the schedule * (% payable by)
- In the cost structure, it is necessary to specify the basis and the unit, then to define the schedule by indicating the cost value for each range of the schedule (defined by a lower range value and an upper range value).
- % payable by: see the general note at the end of the field help.
Example for a schedule per unit
- Detail of the cost in the cost structure:
- The basis = volume and the unit = m3
- Defined schedule:
- €10 for a purchase from 0 to 10.000
- €9 for a purchase from 10.001 to 20.000
- €8 for a purchase from 20.001 to 30.000
- Detail of the order line:
- Quantity : 10 and Stock unit: 1.
- Volume unit: m3 and Volume of the STK: 3.00 (the stock unit thus has a volume of 3 m3).
- Percentage payable by the buyer: 50%
1/ Conversion of the quantity into stock unit (in m3): 10 * 3 m3 = 30 m3.
2/ The calculated cost takes into account the schedule of €8: 8 * 30 * 50 % = €120
Example for a schedule by amount
- Detail of the cost in the cost structure:
- The basis = quantity and the unit = UN
- Defined schedule:
- €100 for a purchase from 0 to 10.00
- €180 for a purchase from 10.01 to 20.00
- €250 for a purchase from 20.01 to 30.00
- Detail of the order line:
- Quantity : 10 and Stock unit: 1.
- Percentage payable by the buyer: 50%
2/ The cost calculation takes into account the bracket of €10: 10 * 50 % = €5
Weighted amount
This calculation mode is used to specify a cost to which a weighting percentage is applied.
The weighting percentage makes it possible to take into account efficiency and performance aspects.It is used, for instance, to qualify the efficiency of operators according to their experience: a weighting coefficient of 80% indicates an average efficiency whereas a weighting coefficient of 100% indicates a high efficiency.This coefficient will thus increase the cost.
The calculation is as follows: Value * (% payable by) * Quantity / Weighting %
- The cost value, the quantity involved, the basis (quantity, volume or weight) to which the cost is applied, the unit of measure used as well as the weighting percentage are specified in the cost structure.
- % payable by: see the general note at the end of the field help.
- Detail of the cost in the cost structure:
- €100 for 1 unit
- Weighting coefficient of 90%
- Detail of the order line:
- Quantity : 10.
- Percentage payable by the buyer: 100 %
Calculated cost: 100 * 100 % * 10 / (90 %) = €1,111.11
The cost is calculated according to a formula whose reference is specified in the cost structure. The formula makes it possible to deal with situations that cannot be managed with the standard calculation modes.
The formula returns amounts which are expressed in the currency of the folder.If the formula uses amounts or prices that are not expressed in the currency of the folder, it is mandatory to specify this currency and to use the relevant conversion coefficient in the formula.
General note:
The Percentage payable by is the percentage payable by the buyer. The distribution of each of the cost natures between the buyer and the seller is specified in the incoterm used and entered in the purchase document (order, invoice). If there is no incoterm, the entire cost is to be paid by the buyer.