Field help (FLGLNKPLN)  

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This box is used to specify, when checked, that the plan is linked to another plan of the same context, which is necessary to specify in the next field.
The management of a link between these 2 plans will be used to:
- store the charge variance with the linked plan in the DEPREC depreciation table of the plan being processed,
- maintain the totals of this variance,
- post the variance if the LNK - Variance between plans activity code is active (the posting is carried out on the plan from which the association is carried out).

For example, it possible to link the IAS/IFRS group plan to the social Accounting plan in order to process the difference between group accounting and company accounting: this difference will be recorded in the DEPREC depreciation table of the IAS/IFRS plan.
..\FCT\SEEINFO It is advised not to modify this setup in time (management of the variance then cancellation, for example), as the cumulated variances may become inconsistent since they are not reconstructed by the application. In addition, if the variances posting is managed (LNK activity code active), it is no longer possible to delete the link between two plans as soon as the variances have been posted.