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Help shared by the unit and mass processings of accounting allocation change.
When activated, this indicator is used to classify the asset or all the assets (in the case of a mass processing) as held for sale.
Use this classification to anticipate on the sale of an asset in the standard IAS/IFRS plans.
The classification date must be specified in the next field.
The classification for sales is only authorized for assets with the 'Property' holding type.
This action applies to each of the depreciation IAS/IFRS standard plans and triggers the stop of the depreciation on these plans.
Update 8.0.0 and higher:
The classification for sales prohibits any other business action on the asset and a fiscal year closing is unauthorized as long as the asset has not been disposed.
A classified for sale asset can be identified using the classification date displayed in the disposal information.
Classification cancellation
As long as the asset has not been disposed, the classification for sale can be canceled by unchecking this flag.
If the classification date is prior to the start date of the current period, this cancellation will be effective from the beginning of the current period.
If the classification date is later than or equal to the current period start date, the deletion will be carried out as if the asset had never been classified for sale.