Field help (FORMAT)  

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Specificities on formats:

A format is a character chain used to define at the same time, the number of characters and the type of characters that can be entered or displayed for a given field, in the form of n1 T1 n2 T2... where n1 and n2 are optional number (1 by default) and T1 and T2 are type characters, which can be, for example, the followings (non comprehensive list): X : single character A: uppercase alphabetical character #: figure. : Position of the decimal separator B: figure or A, M, D uppercase alphabetical character: F year, month, day characters (dates): position of a floating number.
In addition, it is possible to enter comments in the format, separated by the characters [ and ], not entered in the field but simply displayed when displayed on the screen.
For example, the meaning of several formats: 3A2X# : 3 uppercase letters, 2 any characters, followed by a figure. DD[/]MM[/]AA: date, year written in two digits, separator / DD[ ]12M[ ]4A: date, month written in full, year written in 4 digits 9.2: number, 9 digits + 2 decimals (equal to 9#.2#)