Field help (GACDIF)  

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The fields in this block are only available if the current account is linked to a Classification on the General tab whose Category type is set to Normal in Account class function (GESCLS).

As a result, if the account class of the current account is Exceptional, the Assessment method is forced to None.

Select the one of the following options to determine the assessment method:

None – No conversion variance calculation will be run on the current account.

By journal entry – Calculation based on detailed journal entries.
If this assessment method is chosen, three evaluation types are eligible when running the Conversion variance function (CNVECAR): Fixed rate, Lower-value principle, or Higher-value principle in the Evaluation type field.

Note: With this assessment method, carry-forward journal entries are not considered. As a result, when launching the Conversion variance function (CNVECAR), start date and end date ranges might need to cover several fiscal years.

By account balance – Calculation based on account balance (BALANCE table).
When processing the conversion variance calculation, carry-forward amounts are taken into account as soon as the indicated start date matches the fiscal year start date of the calculated ledger type.

By journal entry and By account balance methods can be chosen based on the value of the Currency field (empty or filled) on the General tab.