Select the type of control that you want to apply on the customer credit amount:
- Controlled: The control is carried out in real time when creating the order, during the allocation and during the delivery, based on the authorized credit level. The customer can be delivered if their credit level is lower than their authorized credit level. This control can be performed:
- By company or by folder, based on the value of the general sales parameter OSTCTL - Credit control level (TC chapter, OST group).
- With an archived or updated (revised) rate, based on the value of the general Common Data parameter: OSTCHGTYP - Rate origin WIP ctrl. (TC chapter, OST group).
If the control is performed based on an updated rate, the rate type to be used is the one set by the OSTTYPCUR - Rate type updated rate ctrl parameter (TC chapter, OST group).
When the control on credit is done at the 'Folder’ level, the control is always applied based on the updated rate, regardless of the value of the OSTCHGTYP - Rate origin WIP ctrl. parameter.
The WIP is controlled with respect to the risk BP of the customer. If the risk BP is shared by several customers, it means that the WIP of each customer will be controlled the same way with respect to the risk BP by cumulating the total of the different customers movements.
When the customer is associated to a different risk BP, the amount of the authorized WIP cannot be accessed. It can be viewed on the risk BP record. The displayed WIP is the risk BP,
- Free: the customer can always be delivered.
- Blocked: the customer can no longer be delivered.