Select the content types to export.
Integrated – Exports all information from Accounting and Sales options
Invoicing– Exports Customers; VAT Taxes; Items; Suppliers; Sales Invoices including credit notes, debit notes from sales and AP/AR Accounting; and Movement of Goods documents including deliveries, customer returns, loan returns, sub-contractor returns, purchase returns, Inter-site transfers, sub-contractor transfers, sub-contractor returns
Accounting – Exports Customers, VAT Taxes, Accounts (with initial balance), Suppliers, and General ledger documents
Self-billing – Exports a SAF-T PT file for the self-billing process where the taxpayer owns the goods or services and issues invoice to self
AT communication – Exports the same data as Accounting but does not include Items; can send monthly data to the tax authority by web service
Self-billing AT communication – Exports the same data as Accounting but does not include Items; can send monthly self-billing information to the tax authority by web service
Shipping documents AT – Exports Customers, Suppliers and Movement of Goods documents including deliveries, customer returns, loan returns, sub-cont. returns, purchase returns, Inter-site transfers, sub-cont. transfers, sub-cont. returns; sends the transport information to the tax authority. Selecting this type enables the All document types check box and selections.
The comment field is optional and any content is exported to the SAF-T file.
When you use SAFT-T to communicate the transportation instead of using the web service, you need to import the transport code returned from AT using the SAF-T Import function (FUNIMPCDTSA).