Entering these fields is not mandatory. They are used to limit the display of allocations to those whose requirement date falls in a given period.
Important note about filtering allocations by requirement date:
The requirement date used to filter the allocation display is contained in the WIP table (ORDERS).In the particular case of the delivery requests, the From requirement end date corresponds to the date of creation of the delivery request and the To requirement end date corresponds to the shipment date planned.If the entered shipment date is inferior to the creation date of the line, the requirement end date is then assigned to the creation date as it cannot be inferior.
The requirement date displayed in the allocation grid corresponds to the actual shipment date.
Allocations can sometimes not be selected even though the displayed requirement date corresponds to the entered date range.This occurs when the shipment date entered in the delivery request is inferior to the creation date of the request.Conversely, allocations can appear even though the selected requirement date does not cover the allocation.
Example :
Delivery request created on 19/05/2015 with a shipment date set to 13/05/2015
The delivery request is allocated.In the ORDERS table, the From requirement end date is 19/05/2015 and the To requirement end date is 19/05/2015.
In allocations inquiry:
-With a requirement date set to 19/05/2015, the allocation relating to the delivery request appears.
-With a requirement inquiry on the 13/05/2015, the allocation is not displayed.