Table | Abbreviation | Description | Module | Activity code |
BILSTA | BES | Statement of bill of exchange | A/P-A/R accounting |
Key | Description | Duplicates | Activity code |
BES0 | FRMNUM+LIN | No | |
Column | Normal title | Dim. | Type | Length | Menu | Link expression | Cancellation | Act |
ACP | Acceptance | C | 1 | |||||
ADELEA | Main destination file | A | 5 | |||||
AMT | Initial amount | MD1 | ||||||
AMTCUR | Amount in currency | MD1 | ||||||
AUUID | Single identifier | AUUID | ||||||
BAN | Bank | BAN | [BAN]BAN0=[BES]BAN | Block | ||||
CDTACC | Assignor account | A | 11 | |||||
CPY | Company | CPY | [CPY]CPY0=[BES]CPY | Block | ||||
CREDAT | Date created | D | ||||||
CREDATTIM | Date time | ADATIM | ||||||
CREUSR | User | AUS | [AUS]CODUSR=[BES]CREUSR | Other | ||||
CUR | Currency | CUR | [TCU]TCU0=[BES]CUR | Block | ||||
DEBACC | Drawee account | A | 11 | |||||
DUDDAT | Due date | D | ||||||
ENTDAT | Note P/R date | D | ||||||
FCY | Site | FCY | [FCY]FCY0=[BES]FCY | Block | ||||
FLGANO | Anomaly | M | 4 | 1 | ||||
FLGEXP | Exports | M | 4 | 1 | ||||
FRMNUM | Internal statement no. | VCR | ||||||
IMPDAT | Bank file | D | ||||||
IMPFIL | Bank file | A | 20 | |||||
INDCUR | Source currency index | A | 1 | |||||
INSDAT | Return limit date | D | ||||||
LIN | Number | L | 8 | |||||
NAMCDT | Payer name | A | 24 | |||||
NAMDEB | Drawee name | A | 24 | |||||
NUM | Statement number | A | 8 | |||||
PABAMTPRT | Partial amount | MD1 | ||||||
PABCOT | Paying bank clerk | A | 5 | |||||
PABFCY | Paying bank branch | A | 5 | |||||
PABFLG | Accepted | M | 4 | 1 | ||||
PABNAM | Paying bank description | A | 24 | |||||
PABORD | Paying bank number | A | 8 | |||||
PABREN | Non accepted reason | ADI | [ADI]CODE=305;PABREN | Block | ||||
PAYDAT | Payment date | D | ||||||
PAYNUM | Payment | VCR | ||||||
PROCEN | Processing center | A | 6 | |||||
REFCDT | Payer reference | A | 10 | |||||
REFDEB | Drawee reference | A | 10 | |||||
REFPRE | Presenter reference | A | 8 | |||||
SENCOT | Sending clerk | A | 5 | |||||
SENFCY | Sending branch | A | 5 | |||||
SENLEA | Main source file | A | 5 | |||||
UPDDATTIM | Date time | ADATIM | ||||||
UPDUSR | User | AUS | [AUS]CODUSR=[BES]UPDUSR | Other | ||||
VALDAT | Value date | D |