Local menu | Title | Length | Mini | Maxi | Activity code |
11706 | African text | 50 | 0 | 0 | KGZA |
Number | Text |
1 | Tax info |
2 | Tax cycle start |
3 | Tax cycle end |
4 | Tax class |
5 | Dependents |
6 | Tax start date should not be in previous tax year |
7 | Tax start date can not be before contract date |
8 | Tax start date should not be in the next tax year |
9 | Tax start date must have the same start date as the tax year |
10 | parameter not defined |
11 | Tax start date cannot be after contract date |
12 | Contract date cannot be before tax start date |
13 | No paramater value defined |
14 | Tax end date should not be in the next tax year |
15 | Tax end date should not be in the previous tax year |
16 | Tax end date cannot be before contract date |
17 | Tax end date cannot be after final exit date |
18 | Tax end date has been changed |
19 | Tax start and end date has been changed |
20 | Site change\The employee level totals are transferred onto the new company unless the Total rtz fiel |
21 | Directive number must be entered |
22 | Exclude from ECF |