This action is called before the logical lock on a symbol. This symbol is composed based on the object management type:
Simple object
SYMBOLE is composed of the abbreviation of the main table + the primary key of the main record.
if the key has several components, the latter are separated by the "\" character.
Grid object
SYMBOLE is composed of the name of the main table.
Combined object
SYMBOLE is composed of the abbreviation of the main table + the primary key of the main record.
if the key has several components, the latter are separated by the "\" character.
Specificities for Geode GX:
Grid object
SYMBOLE is composed of the name of the main table + site.
Combined object
SYMBOLE is composed of the abbreviation of the main table + site or the primary key of the main record.
if the key has several components, the latter are separated by the "\" character.
Simple, Grid, Combined
At this stage, it is possible to refuse the locking by setting the OK variable to 0.
The SYMBOLE variable is loaded by the supervisor. It contains the value of the symbol used for the logical lock.