This action works on all the left lists except for the last read list. It adds to the FILTRE action on the principal list.
It is used to filter the records to be listed.
Principal, and secondary
single list, hierarchy list, single picking, hierarchy picking
Single, Combined
It is used to filter either :
the elements in the principal left list
(this filter is additional to that declared in the action FILTRE)
the elements in one of the secondary left lists.
This filter is expressed in the form of a character string containing a logical condition on one or more several fields in the principal table. For example :
The variables to be entered are the following for the standard :
FILGAUCHE for the principal left list
FILGAUSUP(0..1) for the additional left lists
The variables to be entered are the following for the specific/custom :
CRITERE for the principal left list
FILGAUSUP(2) for the principal left list. This variable must contains a character string starting with the character "&".
It is also possible to write directly to the Filter instruction in this action ; it will then be necessary to set the variable FILTREG = 0, to not carryout the Filter instruction for the supervisor.
Finally, it is used to modify the number of elements displayed, by assigning the variable adxmxl.
Warning for the recursive left lists, the supervisor deactivates the filter after the loading of the left list. This filter is therefore to be repositioned in the FIN_ACTION action, on the status GSTATIR.