This action is called before the display of a left list, except for the last read list.
Principal, and secondary
single list, hierarchy list, single picking and hierarchy picking
Single, Combined
This action is used to indicate a hint key for use in the principal table of the OBJect or the browser when the sort key and the hint key need to be different. The hint key is specified in the variable HINTLIS (0..8). The index 0 is for the principal left list ; indexes 1 to 8 are for the additional left lists. The index is therefore linked to the position of the left list in the window definition. In the user programming, it is therefore not necessary to specify this index, if a left list may be added at any place (notably for the custom/specific).
In the picking list "order selection", the elements are displayed by "order number" .... therefore the key SOP3 (SOHNUM+SOPLIN ) from the table SORDERP is chosen for the sort of the elements to be displayed. On the other hand, there is a requirement to filter these elements on the "status" and "order category" fields and for this requirement it is the key SOP2 (SOQSTA+SOHCAT+STOFCY+BPCORD+BPAADD) that will be used.
# Recovery of the names for currbox for the left lists
Global Char GBOXSO1(10), GBOXSO2(10)
GBOXSO1 = "GAU_CHE"+num$(find("SO1",OBJLIS(1..8)))
GBOXSO2 = "GAU_CHE"+num$(find("SO2",OBJLIS(1..8)))
Case currbox
When GBOXSO1 : HINTLIS(val(right$(GBOXSO1,8)))="SOP2"
When GBOXSO2 : HINTLIS(val(right$(GBOXSO2,8)))="SOQ4"
When Default : Return