This action is only called once, after the opening of the screens and the window.
Simple, Grid, Combined
It essentially serves to recover the name of the left lists, in order to avoid as a result the testing of the current left list with a fixed name. The naming of these left lists is as follows :
GAU_CHE principal list for the OBJect identified by an identical code to the OBJect code
GAU_CHE9 last read list
GAU_CHEn any other list ( n = 1 to 8 as a function of the location of the browser list)
a de-activated list by activity code will have no identifier and does not take a number.
Example :
In the sales order management, for the picking list in the quotes. The left list name is stored in a global variable that will be then used to identify this left list (for example, in the action HINT_KEY).
# Recovery of the currbox for the left lists
Global Char GBOXSQ1(10)
GBOXSQ1 = "GAU_CHE"+num$(find("SQ1",OBJLIS(1..10)))
Case currbox
When GBOXSQ1 : HINTLIS(val(right$(GBOXSQ1,8)))="SQD1"
When Default : Return