This action is called at the template start, when the enquiry is authorised for the user. The templates and masks have been opened by the template.
It serves to make the declarations of the resources required and the initialisations, for example:
to declare the global or local variables with the syntaxes of the type
Local Integer MA_VARIABLE
Global Char POUR_TOUS(100)
to assign the global variables
to open the tables with instructions of the type
If clalev ([F :XXX]) = 0 : Local File XXXXX : Endif
to read the tables
It also serves to load the selection criteria, for example :
loading of the header screen for the variables or by the enquiry parameters
loading of the criteria screen by the criteria already loaded in the header screen. For this, the sub-programme CRITENT is used, which is generated on the validation of the enquiry, when in the parameterization of this enquiry, the header field is linked to the criterion screen field.
It also serves to indicate, if a search is launched at the start of the enquiry or not. In certain cases, it can be preferable to enter the criteria before any attempt to carryout a search ; this will be made by setting the variable CHARGMT to 1.
The available variables are as follows :
PARAM()(1..) : parameters passed on the call to the enquiry
PROGCNS : process generated on the validation of the enquiry. It is named CNS+enquiry code
CHARGMT : search triggered in the entry to the enquiry ( 0 yes / 1 no ). Yes, by default.