This entry point is used to take control every time a supervisor table is being validated. For example, it makes it possible to add an additional column.
This table is used in the whole datawarehouse. For the database as well as the universe generation.
The entry point MAJTAB is called before each validation of the supervisor table.
It is necessary to update a grid with variables which is used as a parameter of the program.
Description of the variables:
Value Char TABLE: # Table name
Value Char ABREV: # Table abbreviation
Value Char INTIT: # Table title
Value Decimal NBENR: # Number of records
Value Clbfile STK
Value Integer NBFLD: # The number of fields in the table
Value Char TBFLD()(1..) : # Field name
Value Char TBINT()(1..) : # Field title
Value Char TBTYP()(1..) : # Field type
Value Decimal TBLNG(1..) : # Field length
Value Char TBACT()(1..) : # Activity code of the field
Value Integer NBIDX: # Number of indexes
Value Char TBIND()(1..) : # Index name
Value Char TBACX()(1..) : # Activity code of the index
Value Integer TBHOM(1..) : # Homonyms
Value Integer FORCE: # Force validation
Value Integer SILENCE
Variable Integer OK