The entry point IMPRIME is called just before the choice of printer. The only action available is to define the value of the GPE variable which, if different from zero, prohibits the entry of a printer.
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The parameters are stored in the PARAMETRE variable with the indices 1 to NBPAR. Each value is a string in the form of "parameter=value" without any other separator. The report parameters are divided into 4 classes:
Those that start with a double underscore. These are the parameters destined for X3, they are not transmitted to the report.
Those that start with a single underscore. These are the parameters destined for Crystal Reports, they are not transmitted to the report. The values of these parameters are necessarily prefixed by chr$(1).
Those that start with X3. These are the context parameters transmitted to the report and automatically initialized by the supervisor.
Those that are described in the report dictionary. When the dictionary contains a parameter ending with "deb" or "str" another parameter with the same route ending with "fin" or "end" is automatically added.
The print server name is not a parameter. It is defined in the local variable SERVER (char(30)).
Parameter list:
__REPORT Crystal reports report name
__DESTINATION 0=preview, 1=print, 2=e-mail, 3=file
__TYPDBA Database type (menu local 23)
__DBDATABASE Database name
__DBUSER DB user
__WSTATION (*140) Print server port number
__CDUSER (*140) User code
__APPLICATION Folder; machine; service (from where the print is launched)
__APPRPT Folder; machine; service (from where the report is found)
__REQUETE Request number
_PreVisuOptions Preview options (non operational)
_PrinterName Print name
_Orientation 0=portrait, 1=landscape
_PrinterDriver (*) Printer driver name
_PrinterPort (*) Printer port
_PrinterDescription (*) Printer characteristics
_FormatExport Export file format (menu local 91)
_FormatDelString String deliminator if CSV format
_FormatDelRecord Field separator if CSV format
_ExportFile Name of the exported file
X3DOS Folder ;machine ;service;version;language (*140 version + language)
X3CLI Customer name
X3EDT Copyright
X3ETA Report code
X3TIT Report name
X3USR (*130) User code
X3LAN (*140) Report language directory
X3FCY (*Warehousing) Site
X3FCY (*Warehousing) Depositor
X3OPE User name
X3SIT1 (*120) Authorized sites
X3SIT1 (*120) Prohibited sites
X3PRF (*130) Function profile
X3FCT (*130) Function associated with the report
X3SIT (*130) List of prohibited sites
(*) These parameters are dependent on the printer and cannot be described. They are normally recovered by the selimp instruction (make an attempt on a given printer and note the values of these parameters).
(*120) Available in V110 and V120, but not longer available in later versions.
(*130) Available starting from V130
Only the AREPORT table containing the report in the process of being printed is significant.
##Example of the use of the entry points in AIMP3 processing
ACTION example
When "PARAM" : Gosub PARAM
If [F:ARP]RPTCOD="REPORT1", "REPORT2","REPORT3") : : # List of reports to be processed
GPE = 1: #Prevents the entry of a printer
## The parameters are contained in the PARAMETRE(1..NBPAR) variable)
## but the sub-programmes GETPARAM and SETPARAM of Trt REPORT
## makes it easier to access them
Local Char XPARAM(250)(1..10) , XPAR(50) , XVAL(50) , XETAT(20)
Local Integer XNB , XK , XI
## Has the print been requested on the printer?
If XVAL<>"1"
Return : # No, then nothing is done
## Determining the printer as a function of the report
When "REPORT1" : XIMP = "my_printer"
When "REPORT2" : XIMP = "laser_printer"
When "REPORT3" : XIMP = "dot-matrix_line_printer"
When Default : Return
## Allocation of the print server
SERVER = "the_machine_that_prints"
## Recovery of the default parameters for the printer
XNB = 0
XNB += 1 : XPARAM(XNB) = "_PrinterName=" + chr$(1) + XIMP : # Name of printer to be allocated
XNB += 1 : XPARAM(XNB) = "_Orientation=" + chr$(1) + "1" : #Landscape mode
XNB += 1 : XPARAM(XNB) = "_NoVisible=" + chr$(1) + "1" : # No entry
Selimp XPARAM = "" With XPARAM(1..XNB) : #Reading of default parameters
XNB = stat1
For XI=1 To XNB
XK = instr(1,XPARAM(XI),"=")
XPAR = left$(XPARAM(XI),XK-1)
XVAL = right$(XPARAM(XI),XK+1)
# If the default parameters are not wanted
# it is also possible to reassign them here
# If XPAR="_PrinterPort" : XVAL = "my_port" : Endif
When "_PrinterName" , "_PrinterDriver" , "_PrinterPort"
& , "_PrinterDescription" , "_Orientation"
Next XI
The entry point PARAM is used to modify any parameter in the report.
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The entry point REPORT is used to start a process after the report has been printed. This entry point is executed just after the print order sent to the client (or the server). In the case of a print/file, it can be used to start a process on the generated file...
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The entry point REPORT_ZPL is used to start a process after the ZPL-report has been printed. This entry point is executed just after the print order sent to the client (or the server). In the case of a print/file, it can be used to start a process on the generated file...
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