This entry point is used to take control at the time of initializing the fields in the accounting document line.
There is one transaction in progress.
There is an open log file.
This entry point is called following the loading of the masks for the accounting document created by the accounting cancellation of the payment. The accounting cancellation document is distributed using the screens GACCENT0 [HAE0], GACCENT1 [HAE1] and GACCENT2 [HAE2]. All the fields in these screens are accessible and can be modified on the condition of respecting the general validation rules for a document, if new fields are added to the accounting document tables these must be added in these screens. The local variable NOL contains the index for the line that will be distributed.
The accounting cancellation is called from a payment (GESPAY function).
The masks GACCENTx and VENTILE are initialized and entered for the creation of the accounting document.
Variable or mask | Definition |
GACCENT0 [HAE0] | Accounting document mask |
GACCENT1 [HAE1] | Accounting documents mask (header) |
GACCENT2 [HAE2] | Accounting documents mask (line) |
VENTILE [VTL] | Analytical distribution mask (line) |
VENTILE2 [VTL2] | Analytical distribution mask (grid) |
Variable NOL | Line index |
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (…).
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
PAYMENTH [PYH] | YES | Payment header |
PAYMENTD [PYD] | NO | Payment lines |
PAYACCNUM [PAN] | YES | Payment account posting |
PAYACCNUMD [PMD] | YES | Payment account posting |
TABCUR [TCU] | YES | Currency table |
GACCENTRY [HAE] | YES | Accounting documents |
GACCENTRYD [DAE] | NO | Accounting documents lines |
GACCENTRYA [DAA] | NO | Accounting analytical lines |
GACCDUDATE [DUD] | NO | Open items |
GACCOUNT [GAC] | NO | General ledger accounts |
MTCBATCH [MTB] | NO | Batch matching |
GACCTMPD [DAE2] | NO | Accounting documents (batch) |
TABPAYTYP [TPY] | NO | Payment transaction |
PAYORDER [PYO] | NO | Prepayments |
PAYFRM [FRM] | NO | Payment advice notes |
BILSTA [BES] | NO | LCR and BOR statements |
BPSUPPMVT [MVS] | NO | Supplier transactions |
BPCUSTMVT [MVC] | NO | Customer transactions |
BANK [BAN] | NO | Bank account |
GTYPACCENT [GTE] | YES | Document types |
GJOURNAL [JOU] | YES | Journal codes |
FACILITY [FCY] | YES | Sites |
COMPANY [CPY] | YES | Company |
ACODNUM [ANM] | NO | Document serial number sequences |
AVALNUM [AVN] | NO | Sequence number counter values |
TABUNIT [TUN] | NO | Unit of measure table |
CADSP [DSP] | NO | Prior allocation keys |
GAJOUSTA [JST] | NO | Status of the journals |
CACNA [CNA] | NO | Analytical natures |
CACCE [CCE] | NO | Analytical dimensions |
FISCALYEAR [FIY] | NO | Fiscal years |
PERIOD [PER] | NO | Periods |
TABCHANGE [TCH] | NO | Currency rate |
CAAUZ [AUZ] | NO | Restrictions table |
TABACCLIK [TCK] | NO | Link accounts |
GDIAENTRY [GDE] | NO | Entry transactions |
GDIAENTRYD [GDD] | NO | Entry transactions |
This entry point is used to carryout other processes following the accounting cancellation of a payment.
There is one transaction in progress.
There is an open log file.
This entry point is called after the standard accounting cancellation process for a payment (update of customer transactions, deletion of the accounting document, balance devaluation, update of open items) but just before the Change validation confirmation instruction. Around this entry point, the GOK variable used to globally validate or deny the updates carried out.
The accounting cancellation is called from a payment (GESPAY function).
The masks GACCENTx and VENTILE are initialized and entered for the creation of the accounting document.
Variable or mask | Definition |
GACCENT0 [HAE0] | Accounting document mask |
GACCENT1 [HAE1] | Accounting documents mask (header) |
GACCENT2 [HAE2] | Accounting documents mask (line) |
VENTILE [VTL] | Analytical distribution mask (line) |
VENTILE2 [VTL2] | Analytical distribution mask (grid) |
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (…).
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
PAYMENTH [PYH] | YES | Payment header |
PAYMENTD [PYD] | NO | Payment lines |
PAYACCNUM [PAN] | NO | Payment account posting |
PAYACCNUMD [PMD] | NO | Payment account posting |
TABCUR [TCU] | NO | Currency table |
GACCENTRY [HAE] | NO | Accounting documents |
GACCENTRYD [DAE] | NO | Accounting documents lines |
GACCENTRYA [DAA] | NO | Accounting analytical lines |
GACCDUDATE [DUD] | NO | Open items |
GACCOUNT [GAC] | NO | General ledger accounts |
MTCBATCH [MTB] | NO | Batch matching |
GACCTMPD [DAE2] | NO | Accounting documents (batch) |
TABPAYTYP [TPY] | NO | Payment transaction |
PAYORDER [PYO] | NO | Prepayments |
PAYFRM [FRM] | NO | Payment advice notes |
BILSTA [BES] | NO | LCR and BOR statements |
BPSUPPMVT [MVS] | NO | Supplier transactions |
BPCUSTMVT [MVC] | NO | Customer transactions |
BANK [BAN] | NO | Bank account |
GTYPACCENT [GTE] | NO | Document types |
GJOURNAL [JOU] | NO | Journals |
FACILITY [FCY] | NO | Sites |
COMPANY [CPY] | NO | Company |
ACODNUM [ANM] | NO | Document serial number sequences |
AVALNUM [AVN] | NO | Sequence number counter values |
TABUNIT [TUN] | NO | Unit of measure table |
CADSP [DSP] | NO | Prior allocation keys |
GAJOUSTA [JST] | NO | Status of the journals |
CACNA [CNA] | NO | Analytical natures |
CACCE [CCE] | NO | Analytical dimensions |
FISCALYEAR [FIY] | NO | Fiscal years |
PERIOD [PER] | NO | Periods |
TABCHANGE [TCH] | NO | Currency rate |
CAAUZ [AUZ] | NO | Restrictions table |
TABACCLIK [TCK] | NO | Link accounts |
GDIAENTRY [GDE] | NO | Entry transactions |
GDIAENTRYD [GDD] | NO | Entry transactions |
This entry point is used to filter the entry line to be reversed when several cash account lines have been generated in the bank posting entry for the payment slip. Cash account lines share the same account, BP, currency and site.
There is one transaction in progress.
There is an open log file.
This entry point is called just before the generation of the reversal document. It is used to used to update the PAYACCNUM table by linking the reversal entry number to the number of the source entry to be reversed.
The accounting cancellation is called from a payment (GESPAY function).
The CRITSPE variable is used to recover the source entry line when similar lines exist in the source document.
Variable or mask | Definition |
GACCENT0 [HAE0] | Accounting document mask |
GACCENT1 [HAE1] | Accounting documents mask (header) |
GACCENT2 [HAE2] | Accounting documents mask (line) |
VENTILE [VTL] | Analytical distribution mask (line) |
VENTILE2 [VTL2] | Analytical distribution mask (grid) |
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (…).
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
PAYMENTH [PYH] | YES | Payment header |
PAYMENTD [PYD] | NO | Payment lines |
PAYACCNUM [PAN] | NO | Payment account posting |
PAYACCNUMD [PMD] | NO | Payment account posting |
TABCUR [TCU] | NO | Currency table |
GACCENTRY [HAE] | NO | Accounting documents |
GACCENTRYD [DAE] | NO | Accounting documents lines |
GACCENTRYA [DAA] | NO | Accounting analytical lines |
GACCDUDATE [DUD] | NO | Open items |
GACCOUNT [GAC] | NO | General ledger accounts |
MTCBATCH [MTB] | NO | Batch matching |
GACCTMPD [DAE2] | NO | Accounting documents (batch) |
TABPAYTYP [TPY] | NO | Payment transaction |
PAYORDER [PYO] | NO | Prepayments |
PAYFRM [FRM] | NO | Payment advice notes |
BILSTA [BES] | NO | LCR and BOR statements |
BPSUPPMVT [MVS] | NO | Supplier transactions |
BPCUSTMVT [MVC] | NO | Customer transactions |
BANK [BAN] | NO | Bank account |
GTYPACCENT [GTE] | NO | Document types |
GJOURNAL [JOU] | NO | Journals |
FACILITY [FCY] | NO | Sites |
COMPANY [CPY] | NO | Company |
ACODNUM [ANM] | NO | Document serial number sequences |
AVALNUM [AVN] | NO | Sequence number counter values |
TABUNIT [TUN] | NO | Unit of measure table |
CADSP [DSP] | NO | Prior allocation keys |
GAJOUSTA [JST] | NO | Status of the journals |
CACNA [CNA] | NO | Analytical natures |
CACCE [CCE] | NO | Analytical dimensions |
FISCALYEAR [FIY] | NO | Fiscal years |
PERIOD [PER] | NO | Periods |
TABCHANGE [TCH] | NO | Currency rate |
CAAUZ [AUZ] | NO | Restrictions table |
TABACCLIK [TCK] | NO | Link accounts |
GDIAENTRY [GDE] | NO | Entry transactions |
GDIAENTRYD [GDD] | NO | Entry transactions |