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SET_TAXIGNORE: Portuguese annual VAT declaration calculation

Use this entry point to exclude a tax code or a group of tax codes from the Portuguese annual VAT recapitulative statement calculations.

Context and operating mode

The entry point SET_TAXIGNORE is called immediately before the calculation of the Portuguese annual VAT recapitulative statement declaration.


There is no transaction in progress.

Available variables and masks

The CPY local variable contains the company code.

The STRDAT and ENDDAT local variables contain the date ranges.


All tax codes to be excluded from the VAT recapitulative statement declaration calculations must be set on the TAXIGNORE variable. TAXIGNORE is a dimensional variable that can be set from 1 to 50.


TAXIGNORE(1) = "PT003"

TAXIGNORE(2) = "PT005"

In this example both the PT003 and PT005 tax codes will be excluded from the Portuguese annual VAT recapitulative statement declaration calculations. They will not be excluded from other VAT declaration calculations.