Entry points >  Module Manufacturing >  Standard script CNSMKOSTD  

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MKOMAJ: Display of the custom/specific fields in the tables

This entry point is used to make the specific/custom fields for the tables appear in the time passed inquiry.

Context and operating method


There is no transaction in progress.

Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases - Available variables and masks

The entry point is called in order to complete the loading of the lines in the grid.

It is used to take control in order to load the specific/custom fields in the grid coming from the specific/custom fields from the table.

The CONSMKO2 screen class is open at the moment of the entry point call.

Open tables

In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.


Significant content

Table Title



 Production reporting - operation



Production reporting - header