The entry point "BEFWRIDVS" run just before writing the tax record on the working table DCLVATSPA.
In this entry point, it´s possible to modify any field value in this table. You only have to assign the field with the new value to store. You can also populate the three values of the fields for the ticket management.
[F:DVS]TCKINI = "001"
[F:DVS]TCKEND = "010"
You can use this entry point to change the tax code by the defined in EXETAX parameter. Then, the record is not stored.
There is a transaction in progress.
There is an open log file.
This entry point is called for each register concerned by the declaration, in the working TAX table.
Only the Tax working table has a significant content in this context.
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
DCLVATSPA | X | Tax working table (SPA) |