Use this entry point to take over during the creation of selection filters in the material tracking plan processing (FUNBENCHM function).
The CUSFLT variable (255 characters) is used to set filters on additional file fields.
The filter can be applied to the WO component file (MFGMAT class [F :MFM]) or to the BOM detail file (BOD class [F :BOD]) according to whether the materials are to be selected for the WO or the BOM.
There is no transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
The FUNBENCHM mask is open and the different selections are loaded.
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
FACILITY | Yes | Site |
BOM | No | BOM header |
BOD | No | BOM detail |
MFGHEAD | No | WO header |
MFGMAT | No | WO components |
ITMMASTER | No | Products |
ITMFACILIT | No | Products-sites |
ITMMVT | No | Product movements |
Use this entry point to take over in component tracking creation in order to update the specific tables linked to the tracking header.
This entry point is called before the "Write [F:MTK]" instruction.
There is one transaction in progress.
If a problem arises, set the GOK global variable to 0.
There is an open log file.
The FUNBENCHM mask is open and loaded.
The MTMK invisble mask is open and loaded with information on the last material processed.
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
FACILITY | Yes | Site |
BOM | Yes | BOM header |
BOMD | No | BOM detail |
MFGHEADTRK | Yes | Tracking header |
MFGHEAD | Yes | WO header |
MFGMAT | No | WO material |
MFGMATTRK | No | Material tracking |
Use this entry point to delete the display of the generated log file on material tracking plan validation.
The GPE global variable must be reset to 0 to prevent the display.
There is no transaction in progress.
There is an open log file.
The MTKBENCHM mask is open and the different selections are loaded.
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
FACILITY | Yes | Site |
BOM | No | BOM header |
BOMD | No | BOM detail |
MFGHEADTRK | No | Tracking header |
MFGHEAD | No | WO header |
MFGMAT | No | WO material |
MFGMATTRK | No | Material tracking |
Use this entry point to take over when exiting the material consumption plan in order to carry out a specific processing, such as launching a print.
There is no transaction in progress.
There is an open log file.
Variable or mask | Definition |
Mask MTKBENCHM [MBM] | Material grid |
Char WMTKNUMSTR | Number of the first tracking created |
Char WMTKNUMEND | Number of the last tracking created |
Char ERR_TRA(132) | Log file text |
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
FACILITY | Yes | Site |
BOM | No | BOM header |
BOMD | No | BOM detail |
MFGHEADTRK | No | Tracking header |
MFGHEAD | No | WO header |
MFGMAT | No | WO material |
MFGMATTRK | No | Material tracking |
In BOM consumption plan, use this entry point to take over when loading the grid of the materials to track in order to make it possible to go through the product categories other than "phantom".
The "GPE" variable is set to 1 in order to force the going through.
There is no transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
The MTKBENCHM mask is open and the different selections are loaded.
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
FACILITY | Yes | Site |
BOM | Yes | BOM header |
BOD | Yes | BOM detail |
TABBOMALT | Yes | BOM code |
MFGHEAD | No | WO header |
MFGMAT | No | WO components |
ITMMASTER | Yes | Products |
ITMFACILIT | Yes | Products-sites |
ITMMVT | Yes | Product movements |
Use this entry point to take over before the display of the consumption plan grid (FUNBENCHM function) in order to load it in a specific way.
There is no transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
The FUNBENCHM mask is open and the different selections are loaded.
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
FACILITY | Yes | Site |
BOM | No | BOM header |
BOD | No | BOM detail |
MFGHEAD | No | WO header |
MFGMAT | No | WO material |
ITMMASTER | No | Product |
ITMFACILIT | No | Products-sites |
Use this entry point to take over in the read loop of component records to be taken into account in the material tracking plan processing (FUNBENCHM function), in order to potentially exclude a product.
Deactivating the GPE variable (value=0) is used to avoid the loading of the [MFM] current line in the grid.
There is no transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
The MTKBENCHM mask is open and the different selections are loaded. The components grid is being loaded and a recording of the [MFM] file is being analyzed to check whether all the criteria are met in order to load it in the grid.
Deactivating the GPE variable (value=0) is used to avoid the loading of the [MFM] current line in the grid.
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
FACILITY | Yes | Site |
ROUTING | No | Routing header |
ROUOPE | No | Routing detail |
MFGHEAD | Yes | WO header |
MFGMAT | Yes | WO components |
WORKSTATIO | No | Work centers |
Use this entry point to authorize or not the validation after specific controls.
There is no transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
The MTKBENCHM mask is open and the different selections are loaded. The components grid is being loaded and a recording of the [MFM] file is being analyzed to check whether all the criteria are met in order to load it in the grid.
Activating the GPE variable (value=1) is used to stop the validation.
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
FACILITY | Yes | Site |
ROUTING | No | Routing header |
ROUOPE | No | Routing detail |
MFGHEAD | Yes | WO header |
MFGMAT | Yes | WO components |
WORKSTATIO | No | Work centers |
Use this entry point to take over after the controls authorizing the creation of trackings have been performed.
The standard will sort the grid lines according to IPTDAT, MATTYP, MFGNUM and CLEFLG. It is then possible to perform a personalized sort. The value 1 must then be added to the WCRETRK variable.
It it also possible for the user to indicate that they want to use the EP according to MBMTRKLIN by adding the value 2 to the WCRETRK variable.
There is no transaction in progress.
There is an open log file.
The MTKBENCHM mask is open and loaded.
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
FACILITY | Yes | Site |
BOM | No | BOM header |
BOMD | No | BOM detail |
MFGHEAD | No | WO header |
MFGITM | No | Released product |
WORKSTATIO | No | Work centers |
This entry point is triggered only if the value 2 has been added to the WCRETRK variable (WCRETRK=2 or 3) in the MBMTRKCRE entry point. It it used to force the creation of a new tracking and thus avoid the accumulation of different plan lines into a signle tracking by assigning the value 1 to the WNEW variable.
The standard will always create a new tracking when loading the allocation date.
For example, to force the creation of a new tracking when loading the WO number:
There is one transaction in progress.
There is an open log file.
The MTKBENCHM mask is open and loaded.
WNEW: 0 by default Change to 1 to create a new tracking
WWMFGNUM: WO number of the tracking line that has just been created
nolign: line number being processed
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
FACILITY | Yes | Site |
BOM | No | BOM header |
BOMD | No | BOM detail |
MFGHEAD | No | WO header |
MFGOPE | No | WO operations |
WORKSTATIO | No | Work centers |