Entry points >  Module Financials >  Standard script GASIMPORT  

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MSKLOAD: Loading the accounting entry mask

Use this entry point to initialize (or modify the standard initialization) a header field of the entry mask for accounting entries.

This entry point is used to initialize the GUPDCHRNUM global variable to the value 1 in order to reroute the CHRNUM calculation at the end of the accounting journal import. If the user initializes this variable in order to trigger the rerouting, this will be effective based on the setup of the CHR counter (this counter must be of the normal sequence type, have the No sequence component type in the last position and if the Additional component exists, it must be in the second last position).

This entry point is used to initiate the GUPDBALCUM global variable with a value of 1 in order to separate the balances update at the end of the journal entry import. If the user initializes this variable in order to trigger the rerouting, this will be effective based on the account core model setup (this model must not contain any ledgers with a double entry nor any ledgers with operating budgets) and the folder setup (the folder must not have the PRCSL code activated).

Context and operating mode


There is no transaction in progress.

Log file

There is an open log file.

Call context

This entry point is called at the end of the loading of the GACCENTW header mask fields of the GACCENT0 and GACCENT1 accounting entries, abbreviated as [M:HAE0] and [M:HAE1].

Available variables and masks

The [M:HAE0] and [M:HAE1] masks are populated.