Entry points >  Module Fixed Assets >  Standard script GLOBI1  

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BEFCLC: before calculation

The entry point BEFCLC is used to modify the information used for the calculation of a depreciation plan just prior to the calculation.

Context and operating method

Call context

This entry point is called before calculating the depreciations for one of the depreciation plans of a context to calculate.

The information necessary for asset calculation is available in the open masks preloaded before calculation: Fiscal year/Periods, Depreciation method, Context, Production workbench, ...
 A CALDEP mask is opened for each depreciation plan to calculate. A line in the depreciation plan has the same fields as a record in table DEPREC. Each plan has a specific abbreviation and the corresponding mask contains the same data as in table DEPREC. Before calculation, a transmask is carried out in a CALDEP mask whose abbreviation is DEP. This entry point is used to insert additional logic before calculation on the data of this mask.

Available variables and masks

[M:DIV]  : screen CALDIV containing different data used by calculation
[M:FIY]   : screen CALFIY containing the fiscal years/periods of the context to which the plan to calculate
[M:DEP]   belongs: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan
[M:PPL] to calculate: screen CALPPL  contains the data of the production workbench
[M:TAB]: screen CALTAB contains the data concerning the Vehicle reintegration limits.

Global variable G_CLCSTD is available. It can have value 0 or 1.
If G_CLCSTD is to 1, the standard calculation is carried out.
If G_CLCSTD is to 0, the standard calculation is not carried out. A specific calculation may be carried out. The standard calculation processing loads the masks before calculation and also recovers the data after the specific calculation in order to update them.

BEFLNK: before link calculation between plans

Entry point BEFLNK is used to modify the data used to manage the link between two plans. This link can be set up at the level of the contextual or implicit transaction: link between the fiscal plan and the minimum plan specific to the Deferred depreciation management, link between the fiscal plan and the chart of accounts specific to the exceptional depreciation management or to the fiscal reintegration.

The depreciation expense calculation is carried out at this level. These data can be re-processed before determining the exceptional depreciation, the deferred calculation, ...

Context and operating method

Call context

This entry point is called after the calculation of an asset depreciation, just before the processing managing plan links. The data obtained after calculation of a depreciation plan are available in mask CALDEP whose abbreviation is specific to each plan.

This entry point is used to take control on the data for each of these plans before calling the processing managing plan links.

Available variables and masks

[M:DIV]: screen CALDIV containing different data used by calculation
[M:PCPT]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 1
[M:PFIS]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 2
[M:PMIN]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 3
[M:PORI]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 4
[M:PR76]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 5
[M:PIAS]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 6
[M:PTEC]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 7
[M:PRET]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 8
[M:PSUB]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 9
[M:PLI1]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 10
[M:PLI2]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 11
[M:PLI3]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 12
[M:PLI4]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 13
[M:PLI5]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 14
[M:PLI6]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 15

Global variable G_CLCSTD is available. It can have value 0 or 1.
If G_CLCSTD is to 1, the standard calculation is carried out.
If G_CLCSTD is to 0, the standard calculation is not carried out. A specific calculation may be carried out. The standard calculation processing loads the masks before calculation and also recovers the data after the specific calculation in order to update them.

AFTLNK: after link calculation between plans

Entry point AFTLNK is used to modify the available data after the calculation processing and the management of links between plans.

The different processing's linked to the depreciation calculation are carried out at this level. These data can be re-processed before their update in the various tables they belong to.

Context and operating method

Call context

This entry point is called after calculating an asset depreciation and after managing the links between plans, just before updating the tables containing these data. The data obtained from the depreciation plan calculation are available in mask CALDEP whose abbreviation is specific to each plan.

This sentry point is used to take control on the data of each of these plans before update in tables FXDASSETS et DEPREC. A line of screen CALDEP has the same fields as a DEPREC record. In each line, a FLGUPD additional field is available carrying the action to carry out upon update: "N" for no action, "U" for rewrite and "I" for write.

Available variables and masks

[M:DIV]: screen CALDIV containing different data used by calculation
[M:PCPT]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 1
[M:PFIS]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 2
[M:PMIN]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 3
[M:PORI]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 4
[M:PR76]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 5
[M:PIAS]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 6
[M:PTEC]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 7
[M:PRET]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 8
[M:PSUB]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 9
[M:PLI1]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 10
[M:PLI2]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 11
[M:PLI3]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 12
[M:PLI4]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 13
[M:PLI5]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 14
[M:PLI6]: screen CALDEP containing the data of the depreciation plan 15

Global variable G_CLCSTD is available. It can have value 0 or 1.
If G_CLCSTD is to 1, the standard calculation is carried out.
If G_CLCSTD is to 0, the standard calculation is not carried out. A specific calculation may be carried out. The standard calculation processing loads the masks before calculation and also recovers the data after the specific calculation in order to update them.