This entry point is used to intervene in the remaining time taken into account in the scheduling (setup and operation).
On reading each operation in the scheduling.
The MFO, SCH, MFG and ITF classes are on-line.
This entry point has been designed to make it possible to intervene in the remaining time of each operation.
The code is the following:
# EP to modify the remaining time
# PE if GPE = 1
GPE = 0
The WSETTIM( I), WOPETIM(I) and WOPTTIM(I) variables can be loaded by the entry point in substitution for the standard loading (GPE=1).
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (…).
Table |
Significant content |
Table Title |
Yes |
OF |
Yes |
WO operations |
Yes |
WO scheduling data |
Yes |
Product-site |
Yes |
Sites |
This entry point is used to de-activate the update of the material requirement dates during the scheduling.
Before the update of the WO according to the results of the scheduling.
The MFG class is on line.
This entry point has been designed to make it possible to de-activate the update of the materials (requirement dates) within the scheduling process.
To proceed with this de-activation, set the global variable GPE to 1.
Since V6.5: three variables allow to omit the update of dates as a result of the scheduling.
WARNING: Make sure to test from what function this EP will be triggered to ensure it does not disinhibit all the scheduling cases. To identify the context (calling function), test the global variable GFONCTION.
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content matches the context (…).
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
MFGHEAD | Yes | OF |
MFGOPE | No | WO operations |
MFGMAT | No | WO materials |
SCHEDULING | No | WO scheduling data |
ITMFACILIT | No | Product-site |
FACILITY | Yes | Sites |
This entry point is used to initialize certain scheduling variables, especially the size of the calculation table that limits the maximum duration of a production.
This entry point is called as soon as the scheduling sub-program is open.
The JALK class is on line.
This entry point has been designed to allow the modification of the scheduling calculation horizon's size.
This horizon is expressed using the OFFSETCAL integer variable (set by default to 200). This margin limits the maximum duration of a production. Beyond this threshold, the operations are no longer scheduled.
The margin can be extended using this entry point in order to process specific cases of production that are particularly long.
The preparation and post-operation time does not take into account the capacities of the work centers.
Addition of 3 variables in order to activate a function calculation of the work center's capacities.
WPRPCODCAP,WPSPCODCAP,WWAICODCAP set to 0 by default. They should be set to 1 in the INITSCD EP in order to use the capacities.
This entry point is used at the end of the scheduling of planned and firm WOs just after the update of the tables.
This entry point is called after the table update in the scheduling sub-program.
The JALK class is on line.
This entry point is used at the end of the scheduling.
It is located just after the update of the tables and just before the Commit instruction.
This entry point is used to intervene in all the operations loaded in memory, before the calculation of the scheduling, in order to intervene on specific values.
This entry point is used to intervene in the list of operations loaded in memory.
The available variables for each operation are:
Local Shortint WOPENUM (NBOPMX):# oper number
Local Shortint WOPESPLNUM (NBOPMX):# oper split
Local Char WWST (GLONWST) (NBOPMX):# work center
Local Char WLAB (GLONWST) (NBOPMX):# labor
Local Decimal WSETLABC(NBOPMX):# labor setup factor
Local Decimal WOPELABC(NBOPMX):# labor oper factor
Local Integer WOPESTA (NBOPMX):# operation status
Local Date WOPESTR (NBOPMX):# start date
Local Date WOPEEND (NBOPMX):# end date
Local Integer WWSTN (NBOPMX):# no. of work centers
Local Integer WLABN (NBOPMX):# no. of people
Local Integer WPRPTIM (NBOPMX):# preparation time
Local Decimal WSETTIM (NBOPMX):# setup time for 1 unit
Local Decimal WOPETIM (NBOPMX):# operating time for 1 unit
Local Decimal WWAITIM (NBOPMX):# waiting time
Local Decimal WPSPTIM (NBOPMX):# post oper time
Local Decimal WQTY (NBOPMX):# remaining quantity
Local Date WFRCSTRD (NBOPMX):# forced start date
Local Decimal WFRCSTRH (NBOPMX):# forced start time
Local Char WFRCHOU(5)(NBOPMX) # Forced hour with format hh:mm
Local Decimal WFRCSTRF(NBOPMX):# Forced start day split
Local Integer WFRCFLG (NBOPMX):# Forced start oper flag
Local Integer WWSTTYP (NBOPMX):# sub-contract code
Local Decimal WSCOLTI (NBOPMX):# sub-contract lead time
Local Char WWIPNUM (GLONVCR)(NBOPMX):# sub-contract WIP no.
Local Char WSCOITMREF(GLONITM)(NBOPMX):# sub-contract product
Local Integer WSCDCOD (NBOPMX):# scheduling code
Local Integer WNEXOPEN (NBOPMX):# next op no.
Local Integer WNEXSPLN (NBOPMX):# next op split (created in PG)
Local Integer WOPERG (NBOPMX):# op range
Local Integer WOPETRT (NBOPMX):# op processed in classification
Local Decimal WSCDPCT (NBOPMX):# % sched
Example of code used to replace the product purchase lead time of a sub-contract service with the product/site lead time:
For I = 0 To NBOP-1
If !fstat : WSCOLTI(I)= [F:ITF]OFS : Endif
Next I
This entry point is used to avoid forcing sub-contract operations as "Successor" at the scheduling level.
This entry point is called when a sub-contract operation is loaded.
The JALK class is on line.
The GPE variable is initialized to zero. By setting it to another value, you can avoid forcing WSCDCOD(I).
This entry point is used to adjust the parameters of the routing operation before the calculation of the operating time, with MRP in progress, especially in case of Rate, but also for the other possible cases.
This entry point is called by the MRP during the different operating time calculation cases, based on the time type of the [F:ROO]ROOTIMCOD operation.
The [F:ROO] class is on line.
Ad-hoc completion/replacement of the [F:ROO] setup data.
The following formulas are used based on the type of operating time [F:ROO]ROOTIMCOD:
[F:ROO]ROOTIMCOD # based on operating time typeWhen 1: # proportional (time = (quantity * time) / base quantity)WEXTOPETIM = WEXTQTY * [F:ROO]OPETIM) / [F:ROO]BASQTY
When 2: # rate (time = quantity / rate)If [F:ROO]CAD <> 0 WEXTOPETIM = WEXTQTY / [F:ROO]CAD EndifWhen 3: # fixedWEXTOPETIM = [F:ROO]OPETIM