Entry points >  Module Manufacturing >  Standard script JALLIBD  

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RSTLOAD : Reinitialization of the WORKLOAD table

This entry point is used to intervene at the time of the reinitialization of the WORKLOAD table.

Context and operating method

Available screen and file classes

The WORKLOAD table [WKL] is open and emptied at the moment of the entry point call.

Open tables

In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is coherent with the context (...).


Significant content

Table Title



Work centre load



Scheduling setups


INITIWLCUT: Initialization of the reference date for regeneration of WORKLOAD

This entry point is used to intervene on the reference date used for the recalculation of the loads (regeneration of the WORKLOAD table starting from this date).

Context and operating method

Available screen and file classes

The variable of date type LCUTSTRDAT is available and it contains the entered date (recalculation start screen) or the day's date (batch recalculation or from the work center management).

Position LCUTSTRDAT according to your requirements. For instance     : LCUTSTRDAT = date$ - 7


Open tables
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (…).


Significant content

Table description



Work centre load



Scheduling setups


INITIWLJAL: Initialization of the scheduling reference date

This entry point is used to intervene on the reference date used by the scheduling in the recalculation of the loads (after the regeneration of the WORKLOAD table).

Context and operating method

Available screen and file classes

The variable of date type [M :JALK]TRTDAT is available and empty.

 Position [M :JALK]TRTDAT according to your requirements. For instance     : [M :JALK]TRTDAT = date$ - 7

CUSRELOAD : Load regeneration

This entry point is set within the framewordk of the loads recalculation on a site without scheduling, in-between the cancellation and regeneration phases. Thus, it is used on WO that have an inffluence on the positionning of the load.

Context and operating method

Available screen and file classes

Table MFGHEAD [MFG1] is located on the WO that is being re-calcultated at the call to the entry point.