Use this entry point to insert additional logic during the validity checks on components. Use it to add new controls to those that already exist as standard, and potentially to prevent the use of components.
There is no transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
The [ITM] buffer is loaded at the time of the call to the entry point.
The [ITF] buffer is loaded at the time of the call to the entry point.
Use this entry point to insert additional logic within the component validity control subprogram. Use it to add additional controls to the standard controls.
At the time of the call, the following setups are available:
In the table below, the Significant content flag indicates that the content is coherent with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table title |
MFGHEAD | No | WO header |
MFGITM | No | Released products |
MFGOPE | No | Operations |
MFGMAT | No | Materials |
MFGPRN | No | Documents |
ORDERS | No | Pending movements |
SCHEDULING | No | Scheduling |
OPERATIONS | No | Loading |
ROUTING | No | Routing header |
ROUOPE | No | Routing operations |
ROUSCD | No | Route - Scheduling |
BOM | No | BOMs |
BOMD | No | BOM lines |
FACILITY | No | Site |
ITMMASTER | Yes | Product |
ITMFACILIT | Yes | Product-site |
Use this entry point to insert additional logic into the calculation of the production lead time.
There is no transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
The [ITF] buffer is loaded at the time of the call to the entry point.
Use this entry point to insert additional logic into the calculation of the production lead time.
At the time of the call, the following setups are available:
The result of the calculation must be entered in the variable DSTDEL (decimal).
The GPE variable must be set to 1 so that the standard calculation is not carried out.
In the table below, the Significant content flag indicates that the content is coherent with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table title |
ITMFACILIT | Yes | Product-site |
Use this entry point to authorize the use of a phantom product upon production release.
There is no transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
The [ITM] buffer is loaded at the time of the call to the entry point.
This entry point is called when the system has detected the entry of a product belonging to a non-manufactured product ([F :ITM]CLSTYP not equal to 2, 3 or 4).
The GPE variable is used to authorize the release (GPE=1).
# Entry point MFGCLSCHK - Control on the category type of the released product
# Class [ITM] available on entry
# On exit:
# GPE = 0 for standard process (error message)
# GPE = 1 to validate the category type
ACTION example
If [F:ITM]CLSTYP = 7 : GPE = 1: Endif
iIn the table below, the Significant content flag indicates that the content is coherent with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table title |
ITMMASTER | Yes | Product |
Use this entry point to insert additional logic during the validity checks on components. Use it to bypass the message 'Product not managed in stock'.
There is no transaction in process.
There is no open log file.
Use this entry point to insert additional logic within the component validity control subprogram. It is used to bypass the message 'Product not managed in stock' in the standard script.
The GPE variable is used. By default, GPE is set to the value 0. It will have to be set to 1 to bypass the error message in the standard script. On returning to the standard script, the GPE variable is tested. If it is not 0, the error message is bypassed.
In the table below, the Significant content flag indicates that the content is coherent with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table title |
MFGHEAD | No | WO header |
MFGITM | No | Released products |
MFGOPE | No | Operations |
MFGMAT | No | Materials |
MFGPRN | No | Documents |
ORDERS | No | Pending movements |
SCHEDULING | No | Scheduling |
OPERATIONS | No | Loading |
ROUTING | No | Routing header |
ROUOPE | No | Routing operations |
ROUSCD | No | Route - Scheduling |
BOM | No | BOMs |
BOMD | No | BOM lines |
FACILITY | No | Site |
ITMMASTER | Yes | Product |
ITMFACILIT | Yes | Product-site |
Use this entry point to insert additional logic during the validity checks on components. Use it to bypass the message 'Product category incompatible'.
There is no transaction in process.
There is no open log file.
Use this entry point to insert additional logic within the component validity control subprogram. It is used to bypass the message 'Product category incompatible' in the standard script.
The GPE variable is used. By default, GPE is set to the value 0. It will have to be set to 1 to bypass the error message in the standard script. On returning to the standard script, the GPE variable is tested. If it is not 0, the error message is bypassed.
In the table below, the Significant content flag indicates that the content is coherent with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table title |
MFGHEAD | No | WO header |
MFGITM | No | Released products |
MFGOPE | No | Operations |
MFGMAT | No | Materials |
MFGPRN | No | Documents |
ORDERS | No | Pending movements |
SCHEDULING | No | Scheduling |
OPERATIONS | No | Loading |
ROUTING | No | Routing header |
ROUOPE | No | Routing operations |
ROUSCD | No | Route - Scheduling |
BOM | No | BOMs |
BOMD | No | BOM lines |
FACILITY | No | Site |
ITMMASTER | Yes | Product |
ITMFACILIT | Yes | Product-site |
Use this entry point to insert additional logic during the validity checks on components. Use it to bypass the control on the status of the product (component).
There is no transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
Use this entry point to insert additional logic during the validity checks on components. Use it to bypass the control on the status of the product (component).
Controls are based on rules defined in the LCTLFLG variable. Each character of this variable must correspond to a code:
0 - No control.
1 - Error must be corrected before tracking.
2 - Information displayed.
3 - Warning displayed.
4 - Creation of work order/external order impossible.
The position of each code corresponds to a control.
1 - Component (ITM) exists.
2 - Component/Product-site (ITF) exists.
3 - In development.
4 - In shortage.
5 - Not renewed.
6 - Obsolete.
7 - Not usable.
8 - Control of category.
9 - Component is not managed in stock and is not a phantom.
10 - Component is not managed in stock and is a phantom.
The standard value depends on the document being created.
For example, when adding an unexpected material: LCTLFLG="1122111111". This value means that no error is permitted, except for positions 3 and 4 (which correspond to product status 'In development' or 'In shortage') for which a not blocking message will be displayed.
To change the rules, for example to remove the control on the product statuses 2 - 6 (In development, In shortage, Not renewed, Obsolete, Not usable) change the value of the variable LCTLFLG as follows:
In the table below, the Significant content flag indicates that the content is coherent with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table title |
MFGHEAD | No | WO header |
MFGITM | No | Released products |
MFGOPE | No | Operations |
MFGMAT | No | Materials |
MFGPRN | No | Documents |
ORDERS | No | Pending movements |
SCHEDULING | No | Scheduling |
OPERATIONS | No | Loading |
ROUTING | No | Routing header |
ROUOPE | No | Routing operations |
ROUSCD | No | Route - Scheduling |
BOM | No | BOMs |
BOMD | No | BOM lines |
FACILITY | No | Site |
ITMMASTER | Yes | Product |
ITMFACILIT | Yes | Product-site |
Use this entry point to control the validation of bill of material (BOM) fields that are executed when creating or modifying a work order.
There is no transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
Multiple (determined by the application using the validation function).
Use this entry point to control the validation of BOM fields which are executed when creating or modifying a work order.
The enabling/disabling of the validation will be controlled by the variable GPE, by setting the value for position 1 to 5 with the value '1' (enable) or '0' (disable). The default value of the GPE variable is '11111' (all validations are enabled).
The following positions will control the defined validation:
1. BOM site equal to current site.
2. BOM used in manufacturing, Yes/No.
3. BOM check use status is valid ('Available to use' (not 'In development')).
4. Work order start date equal to or greater than BOM start date.
5. Work order end date less than or equal to BOM end date.
In the table below, the Significant content flag indicates that the content is coherent with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table title |
BOM | No | BOM header |
ACCES | No | User access |
TABBOMALT | No | BOM codes |
Use this entry point to control the validation of routing fields that are executed when creating or modifying a work order.
There is no transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
Multiple (determined by the application using the validation function).
Use this entry point to control the validation of routing fields which are executed when creating or modifying a work order.
The enabling/disabling of the validation will be controlled by the variable GPE, by setting the value for position 1 to 6 with the value '1' (enable) or '0' (disable). The default value of the GPE variable is '110110' when modifying a work order in the GESMFG function; otherwise, the default value is '111110'.
The following positions will control the defined validation:
1. Routing site equal to current site.
2. Routing used in manufacturing, Yes/No.
3. Routing check use status is valid ('Available to use' (not 'In development')).
4. Work order start date equal to or greater than routing start date.
5. Work order end date less than or equal to routing end date.
6. Internal validation. Set (fix) to '0'.
In the table below, the Significant content flag indicates that the content is coherent with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table title |
ROUTING | No | Routing header |
ACCES | No | User access |
TABROUALT | No | Routing codes |