This entry point is used to intervene at each posting to the WIPCOST table (WO WIP values), to assign for example the specific/custom fields or the CSTELM sizing field for the indices not used as standard. BEFWRIMWI is inserted just before the write in the record.
There is one transaction in progress.
There is an open log file (loading of the ERR_TRA variable before calling the ECR_TRACE sub-program).
The context for each record depends on the value of the TXNTYP field (record type) since this part of the processing is called from different sections of the program.
Record type | Source event |
1 - Material issue | Tracking - Material (Creation, Modification, Deletion)
2 - Labour expenses | Tracking - Operations (Creation, Modification, Deletion) (labour work centre) |
3 - Machine expenses | Tracking - Operations (Creation, Modification, Deletion) (machine work centre) |
4 - Sub-contractor expenses | Tracking - Operations (Creation, Modification, Deletion) (sub-contractor work centre) |
5 – Material costs | Tracking - Material (Creation, Modification, Deletion) Cpn Production reporting (Creation, Modification, Deletion)Pdt |
6 - Labour costs | Tracking - Operations (Creation, Modification, Deletion) |
7 - Machine costs | Tracking - Operations (Creation, Modification, Deletion) |
8 - Sub-contractor costs | Tracking - Operations (Creation, Modification, Deletion)
9 - Material variance | Finalisation of WO WIP (if valuation is at standard cost) |
10 - Labour variance | Finalisation of WO WIP (if valuation is at standard cost) |
11 - Machine variance | Finalisation of WO WIP (if valuation is at standard cost) |
12 - Sub-contractor variance | Finalisation of WO WIP (if valuation is at standard cost) Or sub-contractor adjustment |
13 - Overhead variance | Finalisation of WO WIP (if valuation is at standard cost) Or sub-contractor adjustment |
14 - Production reporting | Production reporting (Creation, Modification, Deletion) |
15 - WIP balance | WO WIP finalisation Or sub-contractor adjustment |
16 - Operation rejects | Tracking - Operations (Creation, Modification, Deletion) (if reject quantity in Operation units) |
17 - Adjustment of receipt price | Finalisation of WO WIP (if valuation is at actual cost) Or sub-contractor adjustment |
For types 9,10,11,12,13,15,17 the entry point is found in the MWIPLIB process but the calling process can be FUNWIPMFC or FUNMFCSCO.
Variable or mask | Definition |
Char ERR_TRA(132) | Error text for the log file |
In the table below, the "significant content" flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.
Table | Significant content For types... | Table Title |
MFCNAT | 9,10,11,12,13,15,17 | Production cost-natures detail |
MFGCOST | 9,10,11,12,13,15,17 | Production cost |
FACILITY | Yes | Site |
ITMMASTER | 1,5,14 | Product (material or finished goods) |
ITMFACILIT | 1,5,14 | Product-site |
ITMMVT | NO | Product totals |
OVERHEAD | 5,6,7,8 | Overheads |
MFCCLCPRN | 17 | Detail print (temporary) |
MFGHEAD | YES | Works order header |
MFGITM | 14 | Works order line yield |
MFGMAT | NO | Works order materials |
MFGOPE | 4,8 | Work order operation |
MFGITMTRK | 14, 5 | Track production yield |
MFGMATTRK | 1,5 | °Material tracking |
MFGOPETRK | 2,3,4,6,7,8 | Operation tracking |
MFGWIP | 1 to 8, 14, 16 | WIP cost header |
STOCOST | NO | FIFO basis |
STOJOU | NO | Stock movements |
STOLOT | NO | Lots |
TABCOSTMET | 9,10,11,12,13,15,17 | Product valuation method |
TABCUR | YES | Company currency |
WIPCOST | YES | WO WIP valuation (class in process of loading) |
WORKSTATIO | 2,3,4,6,7,8 | Work centre |
This entry point is used to intervene when loading the WIPCOST table (WO WIP values), to assign for example the specific/custom fields or the CSTELM sizing field for the indices not used as standard. The BEFREWMWI entry point is inserted just before the re-posting (rewrite) in order to correct the sub-contractor price based on the purchase invoice.
There is one transaction in progress.
There is an open log file (loading of the ERR_TRA variable before calling the ECR_TRACE sub-program).
This is the sub-contractor expense record (where the TXNTYP field is 4) that is concerned by the sub-program where this entry point is located. It is re-written if it has not yet been posted and if the production cost has not yet been calculated (if not it is a new record that is created as a result of the price difference). The calling process is SBCLIB : update of the tracking and the WIP based on the sub-contractor invoice.
Variable or mask | Definition |
Char ERR_TRA(132) | Error text for the log file |
In the table below, the "significant content" flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
FACILITY | NO | Site |
ITMMASTER | NO | Product master |
ITMFACILIT | NO | Product-site |
MFGOPE | YES | Work order operation |
MFGHEAD | NO | Works order header |
MFGITM | NO | Works order line yield |
MFGMAT | NO | Works order materials |
MFGWIP | YES | WIP cost header |
MFGOPETRK | YES | Operation tracking |
WIPCOST | YES | WO WIP valuation |
WORKSTATIO | NO | Work centre |
This entry point is used to intervene before the calculation of the product or material overhead costs. This is used for instance to include fixed overhead costs only once by WO instead of once per tracking.
There is one transaction in progress.
There is an open log file (loading of the ERR_TRA variable before calling the ECR_TRACE sub-program).
The WIPCOST record with TXNTYP=1 where 14 has just been written.
Warning, in the case of a tracking modification, first a cancellation takes place followed by a creation.
Variable or mask | Definition |
L_TYP | 1 = Material tracking overhead costs |
LTIAFXD | 0 = calculate the fixed overhead costs |
GPE | 1 : prevents the calculation of the overhead costs by the standard |
BAS_AMT | Amount basis |
L_OVECOD | Overhead costs code that is going to be applied |
Char ERR_TRA(132) | Error text for the log file |
In the table below, the "significant content" flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
FACILITY | NO | Site |
ITMMASTER | NO | Product master |
ITMFACILIT | YES | Product-site |
MFGOPE | YES | Work order operation |
MFGHEAD | NO | Works order header |
MFGITM | NO | Works order line yield |
MFGMAT | NO | Works order materials |
MFGWIP | YES | WIP cost header |
MFGITMTRK | YES if L_TYP=1 | Production reporting |
MFGMATTRK | YES if L_TYP=2 | °Material tracking |
WIPCOST | YES | WO WIP valuation |
WORKSTATIO | NO | Work centre |