The SETREQ entry point is triggered during the creation of a request from a job file. It is used to manage process synchronization by retrieving the request number.
In the context of the entry point :
The following tables are on line :
Table |
Significant content |
Table description |
No |
Batch server (queries) |
No |
Batch server (parameters) |
The SETREQ entry point is inserted into the SERVJOB process right after the creation of the request in the ABATRQT table. This process is called by the batch server and all the global variables of the application are not defined.
The name of the log file of the batch server is contained in the FICTRA variable and it is possible to write into this log file using the STRACE sub-program of the SERVEUR process. The arguments passed in this sub-program are: FICTRA (Alpha), Error number (Integer), Request number (Integer), Comments (Alpha).
FICTRA contains the name of the open log
JOB contains the name of the job file
APPLI contains the name of the application on which the request is created
The ABATRQT and ABATPAR tables are opened and registered.
The WRJOB entry point is triggered during the creation of the file 'sta' or 'run'. It allows to manage the name of the file and modify the parameters before the writing of the file.
In the context of the entry point :
The following tables are on line :
Table |
Significant content |
Table description |
No |
Batch server (queries) |
No |
Batch server (parameters) |
The WRJOB entry point is set in the SERVJOB processing, immediately before the creation of the file "sta".This process is called by the batch server and all the global variables of the application are not defined.
GPE is set to 0 if GSE is higher than 0 on return from the entry point. We exit the sub-program without writing the file.
List of variables processed by the sub-program call:
JOB: name of the .job file
TYP: file type, for example "sta"
ERR: Error number
REQ: Request number
APP: Folder
USR: User
TAC: Task
MES: Message
After the creation of the file if DATDEB and DATFIN are empty, these variables are set based on the following rules:
Case TYP
When "sta"
If [F:ABR]DAT<>[0/0/0]: DATDEB = [F:ABR]DAT: Else: DATDEB = DD: Endif
Elsif [F:ABR]HEURE<>"": DATDEB += [F:ABR]HEURE+"00"
Else: DATDEB += HS:
When Default
The remaining variables are not modified until their writing.
The FICHIER variable can be modified in order to change the "sta" file