Use this entry point to personalize the linked accounts on creation of accounting entries, once in the standard function (GESTCK).
There is one transaction in progress.
Log fileThere is an open log file.
Available variables and masksThe [HAE0], [HAE1] and [HAE2] screens contain the document being validated.
The [M:HAE0]FCY field is the header site of the accounting entry.
Variable or mask | Definition |
GACCENT0 [HAE0] | Accounting entry mask |
GACCENT1 [HAE1] | Accounting entry mask (header) |
GACCENT2 [HAE2] | Accounting entry mask (line) |
NBFCY variable | Number of sites different from the entry header site. |
TBFCY(K) variable | Variable sized to NBFCY containing the site which a linked account is search for. |
TBACC(K) variable | Variable sized to NBFCY containing the linked account. |
TBSAC(K) variable | Variable sized to NBFCY containing the linked control account. |
TBBPR(K) variable | Variable sized to NBFCY containing the linked BP. |
K variable
| Read index of the sized variables
Example: The user wants to use the ACCDEF parameter (default account)
Information: If the TBACC(K) variable remains non initialized, the accounting entry cannot be created and the following standard message is written in the log file: "Linked account nonexistent".
Use this entry point to take over when loading an account structure.
There is no transaction in progress.
Log fileThere is no log file.
Available variables and masks
The [HAE1] screen contains the current entry if the transaction is flagged "Single page".
The [HAE0], [HAE1] and [HAE2] screens contain the current entry if the transaction is flagged "Single page".
The NOL variable corresponds to the line number.
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
GDIAACC | Yes | Account scheme header |
GDIAACCD | Yes | Account scheme lines |