This entry point is used to inhibit the re-zeroing of the forced amounts in the case of entries in currencies IN.
There is one transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
The [HAE0], [HAE1] and [HAE2] screens contain the document being validated.
Use this entry point to update specific fields when reversing a document.
There is one transaction in progress.
Log fileThere is an open log file.
Available variables and masksThe [HAE0], [HAE1] and [HAE2] screens contain the reversal document currently in creation.
Use this entry point to take over during the creation of a reversal document. This entry point was originally created in order to modify the description of created entry lines.
There is one transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
The [HAE0], [HAE1] and [HAE2] screens contain the reversal document being created. All the fields in these screens are accessible. The NOL local variable contains the line index. When exiting the call to the LIGNE_EXT entry point, the description of the entry line created by the reversal is initialized to the [L]RVSLIB variable content.
Use this entry point to modify the open items created upon generation of an accounting entry in batch mode, that is to say via automatic journals.
There is one transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
This entry point is called in batch creation of entries, for each line of the accounting entry carried on a control account.
The [HAE0], [HAE1] and [HAE2] screens contain the information about the entry being created. The NOL local variable corresponds to the read index for entry lines. NOL varies from 0 to [M]NBLIG-1.
The [F:DAE] class contains the data of the created line.
The [F:DUD] class is available in this entry point, but its content is not significant.
When resuming the execution of the processing, the GOK variable is tested.
Use this entry point to take control just before the open item is created so as to modify the standard initialization of certain fields of the open item to create.
There is one transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
This entry point is called just before the ‘Write [DUD]’ instruction and after the assignment of the fields for the open item to create.
The [F:HAE] class contains the data of the created accounting entry.
The [F:DAE] class contains the data of the entry line which an open item is created for.
Use this entry point to prevent the control of standard VTA amounts and add specific controls.
There is one transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
This entry point is called in the $VERIF label of the VERIF_MOD action, therefore when modifying the accounting entry.
The [M:HAE0], [M:HAE1] and [M:HAE2] masks are available.
The CONTTVA integer variable must be loaded with the value 2 so that the control of standard VAT amounts is not performed afterwards.
This entry point is used to take control before the entry creation in order to load the counterpart; OFFACC field. Just before the "DAE" write.
There is one transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
This entry point gives the possibility to take over right before the entry is created so that the counterpart of the line being created is modified.
The [HAE0], [HAE1] and [HAE2] screens contain the information about the entry being created. The NOL local variable corresponds to the read index for entry lines. NOL varies from 0 to [M]NBLIG-1.
The [F:DAE] class includes the data for the entry line.
This entry point is used to take control right before the "DAE" write used to create accounting entry lines.
There is one transaction in progress.
This entry point is used to take control just before the creation of the accounting entry lines in order to modify the standard initialization of certain fields of GACCENTRYD before the [DAE] Write instruction.
The [HAEW] screen includes information on the entry being created. The NOL local variable corresponds to the read index for entry lines. NOL varies from 0 to [M:HAEW]NB-1.
The [F:DAE] class includes the data for the entry line.
This entry point is used to take control just after updating the reversed entry and just before loading the reversal document in order to initialize a field of the reversal document based on the value of a field from the reversed entry.
There is one transaction in progress.
There is an open log file.
This entry point gives the possibility to intervene right after the update of the entry to be reversed and before the reversal document is created.
The [HAE0], [HAE1] and [HAE2] screens as well as the [F:HAE] class includes the information of the entry to be reversed.
The [L]RVSDAT local variable includes the reversal date.
This entry point is used to take control right after creating the open item of an entry line attached to a control account.
There is one transaction in progress.
There is an open log file.
This entry point is used to take control right after creating the open item related to a entry line of the control type.
The [HAE0], [HAE1] and [HAE2] screens and the [F:HAE], [F:DAE] and [F:DUD] classes include information about the entry line which the open item has been created on.