Entry points >  Module Manufacturing >  Standard script SUBMFX  

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MFGTRS: Intervening in the specific field management

This entry point located in the SUBMFX processing (manufacturing entry transaction management), generates a "MFGTRS" action.

This action aims at giving the possibility to intervene in the specific field management at the display level as well as the entry level.

All the manufacturing entry transactions are concerned by this entry point, that is to say the transactions for works orders, global planning, the planning workbench, grouping, production tracking, time tracking plan, material tracking plan, production plan, the weighing plan and reintegration plan.

Context and operating mode


There is a transaction in progress for the INICRE, CREATION, INIMOD and MODIF actions.

There is not transaction in progress for the RAZCRE, LIENS and APRES_MODIF actions.

Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases

The call is carried out when managing the entry transaction setup:

-                    for work orders

-                    for global planning                 

-                    for planning workbench

-                    for grouping

-                    for production tracking

-                    for time tracking plan

-                    for material tracking plan

-                    for production plan

-                    for the weighing plan

-                    for the reintegration plan

and this for the following actions for GOBJET:

-          RAZCRE  in creation mode, initialization of the screen fields

-          INICRE  before writing the recording, loading of the file fields

-          INIMOD  before rewriting the recording, loading of the file fields

-          CREATION  after writing the recording, intervention in the field parameters before the entry screen generation

-          LIENS  after each recording read, interventions in the screen fields after each recording read

-          MODIF  after rewriting the recording, intervention in the fields parameters before the entry screen generation

-          APRES_MODIF  after entering each field, intervention on the screen fields

Contents of the MFGTRS or BENCHTRS tables

It is important to note that only the setups of the work order management and production tracking transactions are stored in the MFGTRS table. The other setups are stored in the BENCHTRS table.

The data contained in the MFGTRS and BENCHTRS tables concern the storage of parameters for the entries in the Production management module that are modifiable by transaction.

A specific standard must be respected, each screen added to a screen must correspond to the creation of data in the MFGTRS and BENCHTRS tables.

Available masks


 Setup screens

 Entry screens

Work orders

 MFL0 Header




 MFL1 Parameters

 MFL2 Documents

 MFL3 Entry

 MFL4 Analytical

WO tracking

 MTL0 Header



 MTL1 General

 MTL2 Operation/Production

 MTL3 Materials

 MTL4 Issue parameters

 STOETR2 Receipt parameters

 Enterprise Workbench

 MGL0  Header


 MGL1 Selections

 MGL2 Display

 MGL3 Parameters


 MDL0 Header


 MDL1 Parameters

 MDL2 Display

 MDL3 Selections


 MRL0 Header


 MRL1 Parameters

 MRL2 Display

 Time tracking plan

 MOL0 Header


 MOL1 Parameters

 MOL2 Filters/Sort

 MOL3 Display

 MOL4 Entry

 Material tracking plan

 MML0 Header


 MML1 Parameters

 MML2 Filters/Sort

 MML3 Display

 Production plan

 MIL0 Header


 MIL1 Parameters

 MIL2 Filters/Sort

 MIL3 Display

 STOETR2 Stock

 Weigh machine plan

 MWL0 Header


 MWL1 Parameters

 MWL2 Display

Reintegration plan

 MRE0 Header


 MRE1 Parameters

 MRE2 Filters/Sort

 MRE3 Display

 STOETR2 Stock

Available variables

The following variables are loaded when calling the "MFGTRS" action.




Numeric value of the X3 version number used (e.g. GVERSION=1.2.4  PVERSION=124).


Transaction type currently being managed (MFL=work order, MTL=production tracking, MGL=global planning, MDL=planning workbench, MRL=grouping, MOL =time tracking plan, MML=material tracking plan, MIL=production plan, MWL=weighing plan, MRE=reintegration plan).


Entry screen code (see above Entry screens column)

Open tables

In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.


Significant content

Table Title



Manufacturing entry transactions for work orders and production tracking



Manufacturing entry transactions for the other functions



Miscellaneous remarks

The AWINDOW, AWINPAR, AMSK, AMSKZON, AMSKACT tables, as well as all the tables required for the management of the screen generation and processings are open but must not be modified in the entry point.


MFGTRSWIN: Intervention in the specific tab management

This entry point located in the SUBMFX process (manufacturing entry transaction management) generates a "MFGTRSWIN" action.

It is used to modify the window generated by the transaction, for example to delete a specific tab.

This entry point is located in the SUBMFX processing.

All the manufacturing entry transactions are concerned by this entry point, that is to say the transactions for works orders, global planning, the planning workbench, grouping, production tracking, time tracking plan, material tracking plan, production plan, the weighing plan and reintegration plan.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress.

Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases

The call is carried out when managing the entry transaction setup:

-                    for work orders

-                    for global planning                 

-                    for planning workbench

-                    for grouping

-                    for production tracking

-                    for time tracking plan

-                    for material tracking plan

-                    for production plan

-                    for the weighing plan

-                    for the reintegration plan

It is triggered when updating the window generated according to the transaction setup, just before the [AWI] write.

Contents of the MFGTRS or BENCHTRS tables

It is important to note that only the setups of the work order management and production tracking transactions are stored in the MFGTRS table. The other setups are stored in the BENCHTRS table.

The data contained in the MFGTRS and BENCHTRS tables concern the storage of the manufacturing module entry setup that can be modified by transaction.

A specific standard must be complied with. To each field added to a screen must correspond the creation of data in the MFGTRS and BENCHTRS tables.

Available masks


 Setup screens

 Entry screens

Work orders

 MFL0 Header




 MFL1 Parameters

 MFL2 Documents

 MFL3 Entry

 MFL4 Analytical

WO tracking

 MTL0 Header



 MTL1 General

 MTL2 Operation/Production

 MTL3 Materials

 MTL4 Issue parameters

 STOETR2 Receipt parameters

 Enterprise Workbench

 MGL0  Header


 MGL1 Selections

 MGL2 Display

 MGL3 Parameters


 MDL0 Header


 MDL1 Parameters

 MDL2 Display

 MDL3 Selections


 MRL0 Header


 MRL1 Parameters

 MRL2 Display

 Time tracking plan

 MOL0 Header


 MOL1 Parameters

 MOL2 Filters/Sort

 MOL3 Display

 MOL4 Entry

 Material tracking plan

 MML0 Header


 MML1 Parameters

 MML2 Filters/Sort

 MML3 Display

 Production plan

 MIL0 Header


 MIL1 Parameters

 MIL2 Filters/Sort

 MIL3 Display

 STOETR2 Stock

 Weigh machine plan

 MWL0 Header


 MWL1 Parameters

 MWL2 Display

Reintegration plan

 MRE0 Header


 MRE1 Parameters

 MRE2 Filters/Sort

 MRE3 Display

 STOETR2 Stock

Available variables

The following variables are loaded when calling the "MFGTRSWIN" action.




Numeric value of the X3 version number used (e.g. GVERSION=1.6.3  PVERSION=163).


Transaction type currently being managed (MFL=work order, MTL=production tracking, MGL=global planning, MDL=planning workbench, MRL=grouping, MOL =time tracking plan, MML=material tracking plan, MIL=production plan, MWL=weighing plan, MRE=reintegration plan).


Entry screen code (see above Entry screens column)

Open tables

In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.


Significant content

Table Title



Manufacturing entry transactions for work orders and production tracking



Manufacturing entry transactions for the other functions



Miscellaneous remarks

The AWINDOW, AWINPAR, AMSK, AMSKZON, AMSKACT tables, as well as all the tables required for the management of the screen generation and processings are open but must not be modified in the entry point.