Entry points >  Module A/P-A/R accounting >  Standard script SUBRLK  

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CREATE: Creation of a statement

Use this entry point to manage the update of tables other than the statement table (RELBANK) when a statement is created or modified.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress.

Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases

This entry point intervenes after all the lines of the created or updated statement are written in the RELBANK table.

Available variables and masks

The RELBAN mask is available.

Variable or mask



 Criteria mask

Open tables

The [RBK] class contains the statement line that has just been inserted in the table.


Significant content

Table Title









 Bank accounts



 Bank file definitions









 Sequence number assignment

ANNUL: Cancellation of a statement

Use this entry point to manage the update of tables other than the statement table (RELBANK) when a statement is cancelled or modified.

Context and operating mode


There is one transaction in progress.

Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases

This entry point intervenes after all the lines of the created or updated statement are deleted from the RELBANK table.

Available variables and masks

The SAIRELBAN mask containing the processed statement is available.

Variable or mask



 Mask for the statement entry

Open tables


Significant content

Table Title









 Bank accounts





