Use this entry point to avoid applying the multiplying coefficient of charged times.
Set GPE to value 1 to prevent the update of [M:MFO1]EXTSETTIM.
This control is triggered in the [M:ROF1] or [M:ROU1] screen mask.
There is one transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
The [M:ROF1] or [M:ROU1] screen is loaded.
The GPE variable is used. It is set to the value 0 by default. It must be set to 1 in the specific processing linked to the entry point in order not to take into account the standard loss percentage. When resuming the execution of the processing, the GPE variable is tested. If it is different from 0, the line where the loss percentage linked to the new work center entered is retrieved, is short-circuited.
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
MFGHEAD | No | WO header |
MFGITM | No | Released products |
MFGOPE | No | Operations |
MFGMAT | No | Materials |
MFGPRN | No | Documents |
ORDERS | No | WIPs |
SCHEDULING | No | Scheduling |
OPERATIONS | No | Loading |
ROUTING | No | Routing header |
ROUOPE | No | Routing operations |
ROUSCD | No | Route - Scheduling |
BOM | No | BOMs |
BOMD | No | BOM lines |
FACILITY | No | Site |
Use this entry point to avoid applying the multiplying coefficient of off-time charge.
Set GPE to value 1 to prevent the update of [M]PRPTIM, [M]WAITIM, [M]PSPTIM.
This control is triggered in the [M:ROF1] or [M:ROU1] screen mask.
There is one transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
The [M:ROF1] or [M:ROU1] screen is loaded.
The GPE variable is used. It is set to the value 0 by default. It must be set to 1 in the specific processing linked to the entry point in order not to take into account the standard loss percentage. When resuming the execution of the processing, the GPE variable is tested. If it is different from 0, the line where the loss percentage linked to the new work center entered is retrieved, is short-circuited.
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
MFGHEAD | No | WO header |
MFGITM | No | Released products |
MFGOPE | No | Operations |
MFGMAT | No | Materials |
MFGPRN | No | Documents |
ORDERS | No | WIPs |
SCHEDULING | No | Scheduling |
OPERATIONS | No | Loading |
ROUTING | No | Routing header |
ROUOPE | No | Routing operations |
ROUSCD | No | Route - Scheduling |
BOM | No | BOMs |
BOMD | No | BOM lines |
FACILITY | No | Site |