This entry point is used to add selection criteria to the payroll calculation process in order to filter the search of the payrolls to calculate.
The entry point is called before searching the payrolls to be calculated.
The content of the CRIVEPSPE variable is analyzed upon return from the call to the entry point. The analysis of the variable is used to filter the payslips to be processed.
The CRIVEPSPE variable is set to '1=1" by default. To add a search filter to the payslips to calculate, the CRITVEPSPE variable only needs to be populated with a criterion to assess.
E.g.: CRITVEPSPE -= & [F:VEP]FLGGEN= 2' to only process the payslips with the 'Generation' flag selected in the time cut-off tracking.
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
EMPLOID [ID] | Yes | Employee civil status |
EMPCTR [ECT] | Yes | Employee's last contract |
COMPANY [CPY] | No | Company |
FACILITY [FCY] | No | Employee's site |
VALEMP [VEP] | No | Payroll header |
ACCES [ACC] | No | Access by user |