Entry points >  Module Common Data >  Standard script TRTMIGTABX3  

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MIGTAB: Adding temporary table creation

This entry point is located in the TRTMIGTABX3.processing.

It is used by the validation of migrating folder.

It makes it possible to create temporary tables for specific tables.

In all cases, the temporary table name must be recovered by subprogram MIGTABNAME of TRTMIG (see entry point TABNAME of TRTMIG)

This entry point must be defined in the application root folder.

Context and operating method


There is no transaction in progress.

Log file                        

There is an open log file.

Different call cases

Upon creating temporary tables, it makes it possible to add the creation of temporary tables for specific tables.


The syntax to be used is the following

If ERR:          GOK=0:                                                : Return: Endif

-The original table is given a name (ex: YTABLESPE)

- An optimization index is provided, to be added on the table (ex: IDENT1+IDENT2)