This entry point works with the customer credit calculation.
It is used to intervene in the result obtained in order to force the blocking of an order for example.
It is used to intervene in the value of the CDTSTA variable that is the calculated customer credit status and in the OST variable that is the amount of the calculated credit level.
There is no transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
This entry point is called in:
· order management GFONCTION= "GESSOH "
· shipment request management GFONCTION= "GESSOQ "
· shipment management GFONCTION= "GESSDH "
· invoice management (in the case of credit notes) GFONCTION= "GESSIH "
In this case the masks corresponding to the OBJect concerned are on line.
Because the entry point is in a common sub-program, it will be necessary to test the context before using a field in a screen. For this it will be necessary to test the value of the global variable GFONCTION.
This entry point is also called in the functions:
· automatic allocation GFONCTION= "FUNAUTALL "
· manual allocation GFONCTION= "FUNMANALL "
· de-allocation GFONCTION= "FUNDESALL "
· automatic shipment GFONCTION= "FUNAUTDLV "
· automatic invoicing of orders GFONCTION= "FUNAUTINVO "
In this case the buffer [F:SOH] for the order header is on line.
Because the entry point is in a common sub-program, it will be necessary to test the context before using a field in a screen. For this it will be necessary to test the value of the global variable GFONCTION.
The modifiable variables are :
ENCOURS = Credit level calculated for the bill-to customer
This is the credit level amount that is calculated on the bill-to invoice if the credit control code for this customer has the value "Controlled". This amount is in the folder currency. It is converted in the currency of the document if the required before being converted in the OST variable, which is the variable used for the controls.
CDTSTA = Calculated credit status. Possible values:
. 1 =OK
. 2 = Blocked
. 3 = Credit level exceeded
. 4 = Pre-payments not made
This entry point works with the customer credit calculation.
It is used to intervene before customer reading and customer credit status calculation.
It is used to intervene in the value of the different variables set as setup of SDCDTSTA sub-program. It is used to modify the customer data for instance.
There is no transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
This entry point is called in:
· order management GFONCTION= "GESSOH "
· shipment request management GFONCTION= "GESSOQ "
· shipment management GFONCTION= "GESSDH "
· invoice management (in the case of credit notes) GFONCTION= "GESSIH "
In this case the masks corresponding to the object concerned are on line.
Because the entry point is in a common sub-program, it will be necessary to test the context before using a field in a screen. For this it will be necessary to test the value of the global variable GFONCTION.
This entry point is also called in the functions:
· automatic allocation GFONCTION= "FUNAUTALL "
· manual allocation GFONCTION= "FUNMANALL "
· de-allocation GFONCTION= "FUNDESALL "
· automatic shipment GFONCTION= "FUNAUTDLV "
· automatic invoicing of orders GFONCTION= "FUNAUTINVO "
· generation of preparation lists GFONCTION= "FUNAUTPREP"
· validation of deliveries GFONCTION= "FUNCFMDLV"
· posting of invoices GFONCTION= "FUNCFMDLV"
· direct order GFONCTION= "FUNMAUTF"
In this case the buffer [F:SOH] for the order header is on line.
Because the entry point is in a common sub-program, it will be necessary to test the context before using a field in a screen. For this it will be necessary to test the value of the global variable GFONCTION.
The variables passed on to the sub-program are the following:
NUMPIE = Document no. (e.g.order)
CLI = Customer
CHGTYP = Document exchange rate type
WCHGRAT = Currency rate (or 0)
CUR = Document currency
DAT = Document date
UNL = Unlocking code (for orders)
MAJ = Flag for the customer credit status without update (1) or with update (2) of the order
Variable CLI is loaded with the invoice customer. The credit level amount is calculated on the bill-to invoice if the credit control code for this customer has the value "Controlled".
In order to calculate the credit level for another customer, it is necessary to modify variable CLI.