Entry points >  Module Sales >  Standard script TRTVENFACG  

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ALIMSKSIH: Loading of the [M] classes for the invoice object

This entry point is used to complete the loading of the [M] classes for the invoice objects during the use of an invoice creation component.

It is called in the TRTVENFACG process.

Context and operating method

Call to the component :  Call GENSIH (LCOD, LMAJ, LECH, LTRT, LORINUM, LERR) From TRTVENFACG

The component is called either :

-          To load the only [M] classes :

o        Invoice management (SUBSIHC process)

§         Picking of a service request

§         Picking of a contract

-          To load the [M] classes and create the invoice :

o        Automatic invoicing of the stock transfer documents ( FUNAUTINVT )

o        Automatic invoicing of the service requests ( FUNAUTINVS )

o        Automatic invoicing of the service contracts ( FUNAUTINVC )

On the call to the entry point all the fields for the entry masks are loaded. As a consequence:

· [M :SIH1]SIHORI = 7 for contracts, = 8 for service requests, = 9 for transfer requests.

· [M :SIH1]SIHORINUM contains the document no. at the origin of the invoice.

The data for the calculation mask SIHV are not significant.

This entry point is used to modify the data in the entry masks or to load a specific/custom tab. It the component is called to create the invoice, it is the last action before the calculation of the invoice.


There is no transaction in progress.

Log file

The log file is open.

Available variables and masks

The [M] classes are those of the invoice object.

Open tables

The [F] classes of the invoice object are open.