Entry points >  Module Common Data >  Standard script TRTX3  

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ALITLK: To intervene in the TAXLINK buffer contents

Use this entry point to intervene during the calculation of the base amounts for tax calculation.

The base amounts for tax calculation CLCAMT1 and CLCAMT2 are used to perform specific/custom tax calculations. They are used to store the result of the calculation formula linked to a tax code and are then used to perform the tax calculation. These amounts are present in all the sales document lines (quotes, orders, deliveries, invoices).

The entry point is used to intervene in the buffer of the TAXLINK file (population of a specific/custom field), which is the link file used when calculating the amounts during the evaluation of the formula linked to the tax code.

It is called in the ALICLCAMT sub-program. This sub-program is called in all the processes performing a calculation or re-calculation of the base amounts for the tax calculation.

Context and operating mode


tab.           There is no transaction in progress when the entry point is called from a line entry (quote, order, delivery, invoice).

.           There is a transaction in progress when the entry point is called from:

           .          The delivery button from the order management.

           .          The automatic order delivery function.

            .          The invoice button from the order and delivery management.

           .          The automatic invoicing functions for orders, deliveries, contracts.

Log file

There is an open log file when in the delivery or automatic invoicing functions. There is no open log file for the other cases.

Different call cases

The entry point is called in the ALICLCAMT sub-program. It is called:

.           During the entry of a line in quote, order, delivery or invoice management (After modification of the tax regime, after entry of the quantity, on the price list recalculation button, after modification of the unit weight in the delivery management).

.          On using the delivery button from the order management.

.          In the automatic order delivery function.

.          On using the invoice button from the order and delivery management.

.          In the automatic invoicing functions for orders, deliveries, contracts.

.           When picking order lines in the delivery management.

.           When picking order lines and delivery lines in invoice management.


Available variables and masks

The ABREV variables are used to identify the origin and the masks/files that are on line.

-                    SQH2 = Quote (SQH object, SQH0, SQH1, SQH2, SQH3 masks on line, nolign is loaded)

-                    SOH4 = Orders (SOH object, SOH0, SOH1, SOH2, SOH3, SOH4 masks on line, nolign is loaded)

-                    SDH1 = Deliveries (SDH objects, SDH0, SDH1, SDH2, SDH3 masks on line, nolign is loaded)

-                    SDD = Automatic delivery or delivery button ([F :SDH], [F :SDD] buffer)

-                                  SIH4 = Invoices (SIH object, SIH0, SIH1, SIH2, SIH4, SIHV masks on line, nolign is loaded)

-                    SID = Automatic invoicing or invoice button ([F :SIH], [F :SIV], [F :SID] buffer)

-                    PSH1 = Purchase requests (PSH object, PSH0, PSH1 masks on line, nolign is loaded)

-                    POH2 = Orders (POH object, POH0, POH1, POH2, POH3 masks on line, nolign is loaded)

-                    POI1 = Buyer plan (POI object, POI1 masks on line, nolign is loaded)

-                    PIH3 = Purchase invoice control (PIH object, PIH0, PIH1, PIH2, PIH3, PIH4 masks on line, nolign is loaded)


Open tables

In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context and must not be changed by the entry point.


Significant content

Table title



Tax code table



Formula table



Base calculation for tax calculation






Product - Sales

SEQDEMDLV: Intervene on the numbering of the delivery request lines

Use this entry point to adjust the intervals in the numbering of the purchase and sales delivery requests in order to allow a maximum number of insertions.

Context and operating mode


There is no transaction in progress when the entry point is called from the entry of the purchase and sales delivery requests.

A transaction is in progress when the generation of the purchase delivery request is carried out from the workbenches (screen PURMGT [PMG] open).

Log file

A log file is open when the generation of the purchase delivery requests is carried out from the workbenches (screen PURMGT [PMG] open).

Different call cases

The entry point is called every time a delivery request is created.

Available variables and masks

Screen POD1 [POD1] in case of manual entry of the purchase delivery requests.

Screen SOQ1 [SOQ1] in case of manual entry of the sales delivery requests.

Screen PURMGT [PMG] in case of automatic generation of the delivery requests.


The following variables can be modified via the entry point:

STEP1 Interval between two consecutive daily dates

Values between 1000 and 10000, default value is 1000


STEP2 Interval between two identical dates

Values between 5 and 1000, default value is 50



With STEP1 = 1000, the duration of the contract is 100 years

-         STEP2 = 5:  200 identical dates and 5 partial receipts or deliveries by delivery request.

-         STEP2 = 10: 100 identical dates and 10 partial receipts or deliveries by delivery request.

-         STEP2 = 50: 20 identical dates and 50 partial receipts or deliveries by delivery request.

-         STEP2 = 100: 10 identical dates and 100 partial receipts or deliveries by delivery request.

-         STEP2 = 500: 2 identical dates and 500 partial receipts or deliveries by delivery request.

-         STEP2 = 1000: 1 identical date and 1000 partial receipts or deliveries by delivery request.


With STEP1 = 10000, the duration of the contract is 10 years

-         STEP2 = 5:  2000 identical dates and 5 partial receipts or deliveries by delivery request.

-         STEP2 = 10: 1000 identical dates and 10 partial receipts or deliveries by delivery request.

-         STEP2 = 50: 200 identical dates and 50 partial receipts or deliveries by delivery request.

-         STEP2 = 100: 100 identical dates and 100 partial receipts or deliveries by delivery request.

-         STEP2 = 500: 20 identical dates and 500 partial receipts or deliveries by delivery request.

-         STEP2 = 1000: 10 identical dates and 1000 partial receipts or deliveries by delivery request.


PTEBPR: Modifying the BP initializing the payment conditions

Use this entry point to modify the BP used to load the payment conditions.

Context and operating mode


There is no transaction in progress when the entry point is called.

Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases

The entry point is called every time you want to initialize the payment conditions from a BP (customer or paying supplier, customer or invoice supplier).

Available variables

The [L]WBPR variable contains the BP initializing the payment conditions. This variable can be changed with this entry point.

The BPCUSTOMER [F:BPC] or BPSUPPLIER [F:BPS] file is open and can be modified. A recovery can be performed after the entry point. Its content is not significant.

LECTVC: Used to replace the standard processing

Use this entry point to replace the standard processing for taxes (reading of the TVC table).

Context and operating mode


There is no transaction in progress when the entry point is called.

Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases

The entry point is called every time taxes are searched. 

Available variables

The GPE variable initialized to 1 can be used to replace the standard processing.

It is set in the TRT_RECHVATCOD label of the TRTX3 processing, right before the FOR loops of the TVC table. 

SEQDLVSPL: Numbering of shipment request lines if split

Use this entry point to adjust intervals in the numbering of the purchase and sales delivery requests in case of a split in order to allow a maximum number of insertions.

Context and operating mode


There is no transaction in progress.

Log file

There is no log file open

Different call cases

The entry point is called upon accessing the receipt (GESPTH) or delivery (GESSDH, FUNAUTDLV and FUNPREDLV) functions.

The following variable can be modified by the entry point:

GSTEP3: Interval between two delivery requests in case of split.

Values between 1 and value of STEP2 (STEP2=50 by default but can be modified using the SEQDEMDLV entry point).

 Default value of GESTEP3=4.