Entry points >  Module Common Data >  Standard script VENTILE  

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MAJDSP: Following the loading of a prior analytical allocation

This entry point is used to modify the prior analytical breakdown when it is used.

 During the assignment of an analytical allocation code upon entry of an accounting entry, the program loads the prior analytical breakdown. Following this loading, the entry point intervenes to take into account the call context and to modify the accounting entry analysis when necessary.

The call to the entry point is carried out following the loading of the analytical dimensions; the amounts and quantities are calculated when resuming the processing.

Context and operating mode


There is no transaction in progress.

Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases

This entry point is theoretically called every time a prior analytical allocation is used. 

Available variables and masks

Depending on the context, different variables and masks are available. The table summarizes the variables and the mask common to every call.

The [M:VTL]BAS grid bottom variable indicates the number of prior breakdown lines.

Variable or mask


 Mask [M:VTL]

 Analytical breakdowns
 Value RPA  Prior analytical allocation code or key
 Value UOM  Nonfinancial units
 Value CNA  Nature
 Value ACC  Account
 Value BPR  BP

Open tables


Significant content

Table Title


Yes  Analytical allocations
 CACNA [CNA] Yes  Analytical natures
 TABUNIT [TUN] Yes  Nonfinancial unit tables