General parameters >  Chapter Fixed assets >  Parameter KEEPEVT140 (Retain 140 events)  

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This parameter is used in the migration of a folder from version 140 to version 5.
The event management has been updated since the previous version, and thus the former event tables are not used anymore. For instance, the depreciation charge events have been deleted and the tables regrouping different types of events by business object (EVEFAS tables with events linked to the assets, EVELOF tables with those linked to the expenses, EVELEA with those linked to the contracts, ...) have been replaced by as many tables as types of events. The former event tables are however kept upon migration.
This parameter is used to specify whether their contents must be kept (for consultation purposes) or deleted.

By default, this parameter has value: To be defined, in the root folder.
For the migration process of a given folder to be completed correctly, this parameter MUST be defined for the folder to be migrated.

  • When it is set to Yes, the content of the event tables is kept.
  • When it is set to No, the content of the tables is deleted.

Level of localization / Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Folder. It belongs to Chapter AAS (Fixed assets) and the Group MIG (Migration), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

No global variable is associated with it.