This parameter is used to declare the master entry rules of 'column' type used for the document entry function.
All the entries entered for any 'column' type transaction are displayed and can be modified from this transaction. New entries can also be directly entered.
It is also used by default upon document validation (if the automatic journal is not set up for destination transactions).
In practical terms, the setup of this transaction must be as wide as possible: It must contain all the fields used in the other column transactions and display all the manual ledgers.
This parameter is defined at the level Folder. It belongs to Chapter CPT (Accounting) and the Group DEF (Default values), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
Its values are defined by the function Journal entry transactions.
The global variable GSCHSTDC is associated with it.
The following functions are associated with this parameter :
Financials > Journals > Journal entry