General parameters >  Chapter Manufacturing >  Parameter OPEEFFAPP (Efficiency application )  

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This parameter is used in cost calculations in conjunction with the WSTEFFINH - Work center efficiency history parameter (GPA chapter, MIS group).

For optimized production some of the operations in a routing are more efficient than others, whilst others require more efficient machines than others. You can specify the relative efficiency of both your operations and your machines. For the work order cost calculations, the efficiency percentage of your operations and machines is always applied to the run time, that is, the time it takes to perform the operations required to manufacture a product. You use this parameter to define whether the efficiency percentage is also to be applied to the setup time, that is, the time that it takes for the machinery to be set up ready for use.

Parameter WSTEFFINH - Work center efficiency history (GPA chapter, MIS group)

Setup + run times - This is the default value for this parameter.

If the WSTEFFINH - Work center efficiency history parameter (GPA chapter, MIS group) is set to No, work order cost calculations include the work center efficiency percentage in the setup time calculations.

Operation time will be calculated as: (work center efficiency percentage * (setup time + run time)) * (operation efficiency percentage * (setup time + run time)).

If WSTEFFINH is set to Yes, the work center efficiency percentage is excluded from the work order cost calculations for setup time.

Operation time will be calculated as: (work center efficiency percentage * run time) * (operation efficiency percentage * run time).

Run time

The efficiency percentage of your operations and your machines is always applied to the run time calculations.

For setup time calculations, work order cost calculations do not include the operation efficiency percentage or the work center efficiency percentage. The value of the WSTEFFINH - Work center efficiency history parameter is ignored.

For run time calculations, work order cost calculations only include the operation efficiency percentage and the work center efficiency percentage if the WSTEFFINH parameter is set to No.


Operation efficiency percentage = 80%
Work center efficiency percentage = 90%

Work center setup time = 100 minutes
Work center run time = 100 minutes

  Parameter: WSTEFFINH - Work center efficiency history
No Yes
Parameter: OPEEFFAPP - Efficiency application Setup + run times Setup time 138.89 = 100/0.8/0.9 125 = 100/0.8
Run time 138.89 125
Run times Setup time 100 100
Run time 138.89 125

Level of localization/Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Site. It belongs to Chapter GPA (Manufacturing) and the Group MIS (Miscellaneous), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

The global variable GOPEEFFAPP is associated with it.

Functions concerned

The following functions are associated with this parameter :

  Costing > Cost calculations > Budgeted cost calculation

  Costing > Cost calculations > Revised cost calculation

  Costing > Cost calculations > Simulated cost calculation

  Costing > Cost calculations > Standard cost calculation

  Manufacturing > Batch processes > Scheduling/descheduling > Descheduling

  Manufacturing > Batch processes > Scheduling/descheduling > Scheduling

  Stock > Reorders > MRP processing

  Manufacturing > Planning > MRP processing

  Manufacturing > Planning > Mass replanning

  Manufacturing > Planning > Work order


This parameter is closely linked with the WSTEFFINH - Work center efficiency history parameter (GPA chapter, MIS group).