General parameters >  Chapter Localisations >  Parameter SWIRNDSIH (Sales invoice Rappen rounding)  

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Use this parameter to enable or disable the automatic Swiss Rappen rounding for sales invoices issued in Swiss Francs (CHF). It is disabled, or set to No, by default. This only applies to invoices generated in the Sales module. In the A/P-A/R accounting module, invoices can be rounded manually if necessary by using the gross amount entry mode or by modifying net/tax amounts.

If you set this parameter to Yes, you must create two specific invoicing elements for downward and upward rounding and enter the respective index numbers in the SIHRNDPOS-Sales invoice Rappen + and SIHRNDNEG-Sales invoice Rappen -  parameters (LOC chapter, SWI group).

In Switzerland, the smallest coin is the 5 Rappen piece and typically the total invoice amount is rounded to the nearest 5 Rappen. For example, an invoice amount of 110,01 CHF is rounded to 110,00 CHF; an amount of 110,14 CHF is rounded to 110,15 CHF.

The invoice rounding applies to the total invoice amount by automatically adding invoicing elements to cover the rounding difference. There is no rounding per invoice position.

Other sales documents, like quotes, orders, deliveries etc., are not included and are not rounded.

Refer to the Swiss legislation guide available in the Online help center for specific settings regarding invoicing elements.

Level of localization/Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Site. It belongs to Chapter LOC (Localisations) and the Group SWI (Switzerland), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

No global variable is associated with it.

Activity codes

The following activity codes (sorted by type) are associated with the parameter :

  KSW :  Swiss localization